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Monday, December 31, 2012

Fill In The Blank


  1. Yep thats pretty much it...

  2. FruitlandGenericCitizenDecember 31, 2012 at 2:57 PM

    1. Social Security
    2. Interstate Highway System
    3. NASA (even if Joe doesn't believe we landed on the moon)
    4. Food & Drug Administration
    5. U.S. Postal Service (try and mail a letter for 45 cents with FedEx)
    6. National Institutes of Health
    7. CDC
    8. FDIC
    9. Medicare
    10. G.I. Bill

    All you "Gummint''s never done NOTHIN' for ME!" types have your head in teh sand. Significant parts of Delmarva wouldn't even have electricity if it wasn't for the REA. You think we pay actual free market rates for internet service over here? It's subsidized by the government, folks. Those streets you drive on? Didn't pave themselves, and you can scream and cry about "We paid taxes!", well, you're not paying tolls, are you? The gov't in this country sees to it your food is safe to eat, your money doesn't disappear from the bank, your employers can't kill you with unsafe machinery or working conditions and claim it as a "accident", and your currency actually has some meaning.

    But go ahead, tell me about that one time your grandma's Social Security check was a month late or you had to sit at the MVA for 90 minutes and use that as proof we need to get rid of all government. It would be "Lord of the Flies" within a month.

  3. Are we talking federal, state or local? Eisenhower's interstate system works well. When I turn on a faucet drinkable water comes out. While SBY has sewage problems, it is nice not to have to deal with my own poop. The parks are a nice, free place to go with family.

  4. Tax
    More Taxes
    More Give me
    More Entitlements
    More Give me houses for free
    More Take more taxes from people
    More Immigration for voters
    Gave Florida away to Cubans, thanks Jimmy
    and finally Taxation with out representation again

  5. Great response 257.

    I'm tired of the "i hate big gov., but please rescue me from Sandy" crowd. But am also tired of the far left cradle-grave bleeding heart crowd as well. Sure wish we could get more of the common sense folks in the middle to guide the debate.

  6. 2:57, one of the best comments I've seen on blogs. Outstanding!
    I would put FHA there somewhere though.

  7. You bunch of goobers!!

    Social Security is broke because your Great Gov't rob the money we paid to buy off their adgenda.
    NASA... go visit the waste of money at wallops island
    Postal Service.... Broke!!!

    Maybe I should add the Dept of Energy as a loser...

  8. You bunch of goobers!!

    Social Security is broke because your Great Gov't rob the money we paid to buy off their adgenda.
    NASA... go visit the waste of money at wallops island
    Postal Service.... Broke!!!

    Maybe I should add the Dept of Energy as a loser...

    December 31, 2012 5:15 PM

    Whew, thanks. I'm glad to see someone else can see and understand how things really are.

    I was beginning to think everyone was losing their minds.

    I sure hope those few are not from here. I know we think better than that.

  9. What Alex and 2:57 do not realize... The whole list is broke! Bankrupt! Living on borrowed money and time...

  10. 6:05 you probably wouldn't be alive but for one of the above program.

    1. Alex, I believe he 6:05 would make it just OK, but if he or me had business which would be 'nursed' by Government and using Tax Payers Funding, we both would be billionaires and living the high life. Our bussineses would go bankrupt, but who cares at that poin. We would probably throw out the big party called Inauguration and we would spend 12 million dollars of Tax Payers Money in 1 day, while the taxpayers have become homeless, but we wouldn't care because we would be special, the few Annointed Ones. So I ask, after all that, how do you feel?

  11. shame you are Alex... Dumbocrat...


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