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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Dr. Suzanna Gratia Hupp on The Second Amendment


  1. There it is. She put it into words.

    It's US against THEM.

    Them being the lawmakers, law enforcers.

    They want to control us and they know it is easier to control someone, especially a group, if that someone or group is unable to stop them.

    You can't have one select armed group of people riding herd over another group of unarmed people.

    It works short term but animosity builds up over time. No one likes to be told what to do and when to do it all the time.

    This is far from a perfect world. Even the good guys do bad things.

    Bottom line: according to their laws, my guns are illegal and I am an outlaw I suppose.

    I am no Wyatt Earp or Billy-bad-ass but I have a little bit of common sense.

    If everything is supposed to be equal and fair, I will have something to counter what can be used against me.

    I don't want to have to use it but just knowing I have the ability to do so helps me sleep at night.

    "The law" WILL NOT tell me what I can or cannot do in my house or what I can have in it.

    If someone forces their way into my house, and I do mean ANYONE, I will use force to get them out.

    Whichever one of us lives thru it can fight it out in the courts.

    You lawmakers should go help out in a shelter or soup kitchen or something, rather than sitting on your collective asses thinking of new laws, bans or whatever else you conjure up to screw with the masses.

    In other words, do something to help your fellow man.


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