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Saturday, December 01, 2012

Delmar Police Station Should Be Complete In July

Contractors are trying to get in all they can before the weather changes and hope to complete the new addition to the old City Hall building. They are converting it to the new Delmar Police Station.

Now without a hitch though. The Delmar Maryland side wasnt certain upgrades like removing the old paneling and replacing it with drywall. However, the Delaware side claims they can't afford even a small upgrade so some walls will remain paneling.

Anyone who knows construction knows it's a LOT cheaper to quickly take down the paneling and put up drywall while your under construction but Delaware will have nothing to do with it. It's a shame because this building will be spectacular once it's complete.
As you can see from the image above, half of the walls will remain paneling and the rest will have sheet rock. The plan is to paint the paneling. We're talking about a $4,000.00 increase to finish the entire building with sheet rock. I just can't believe Delaware won't budge and pony up $2,000.00 to do it right.


  1. I think that used to be the old Moose Lodge.I removed the moose head from the 2nd story wall when we tore down everything but the concrete base of the bldg in 1971.The first floor was used for the town hall as you mentioned.Considering all of that,the bldg has come a long way.

  2. Painted paneling is the lowest form of trailer trash decor! Even trailer trash thinks it sucks!

  3. What was the total cost of the project?

  4. Joe, who represents Delmar, Maryland? I just moved here and it seems like those folks are doing a good job. Do they have an election this spring like Salisbury?

  5. Hope they realize that most paneling can not be directly installed to studs. There are some than can... hope they read the specsa on the back of the panels before installing.

  6. Right now the panelling is nailed to the studs with nothing underneath. It is flimsey between the studs. t also violates county fire code. A call to the county would take care of that. Wait til the police find out the town manager took the money for the building security system out of the contract before it was approved. Now anybody will be able to just walk right in. She hates the police department. Why does the Mayor and commissioners let this go on?

  7. Just a couple of things to try to set the record straight. Delmar, DE must got to referendum to borrow any money. According to the original contract, the amount of up to $400,000 is what the taxpayers voted on. For some reason, the original contract did not include the drywall. That came in as a changeorder. We have to be very careful with changeorders because if something comes up at the end of the project and all money has been spent, that will be a problem. As far as the security system, it was included in the original contract and came in as a deletion in the latest change order which came from the POLICE DEPARTMENT. It will probably come later under a seperate contract.


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