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Sunday, December 02, 2012

Can This Party Be Saved?

We Republicans cherish the free market. So now might be the right time to start listening to it. Our party has lost the popular vote in five of the past six presidential elections. That is 20 years of “no, thanks” from the American people. Only basketball’s Washington Generals, who are paid to lose to the Harlem Globetrotters, can exceed that losing record, and by only four years (1971–95).
The worst error politicians can make is to spin themselves. It’s time for the GOP to face the hard truth, no matter how painful. The Republican brand is dying, many of our strategists are incompetent, and we still design campaigns to prevail in the America of 25 years ago.
Identifying the problem is easy. The Republican challenge is not about better voter-turnout software; it is about policy. We repel Latinos, the fastest-growing voter group in the country, with our nativist opposition to immigration reform that offers a path to citizenship. We repel younger voters, who are much more secular than their parents, with our opposition to same-sex marriage and our scolding tone on social issues. And we have lost much of our once solid connection to the middle class on kitchen-table economic issues.


  1. Nope.No can do.Too much momentum going in the opposite direction.In 4 years the only thing that will keep the Republicans in contention will be radical compromise.In other words they will have become Democrats in order to be in contention.Radical compromise is inevitable & will ultimately morph both parties into one.

  2. Real human people who have been trying to be "Republicans" need to join the Libertarians and the Ron Paul crowd. Be the change you want to see. Obama and Robamney were two sides of the sane coin. There was no real "choice" this year, admit it! I voted for Gary Johnson for two reasons. One, I knew from looking at last election that Maryland would go Obama, so I would be throwing my vote away regardless. (3 counties can carry this state, Balto, Mont, PG)
    Second reason, a strange one, HE WAS THE BEST QUALIFIED CANDIDATE. But, when it comes to crunch time, people think they have to go D/R or go home.

    I say not so.

    Try voting with your head.

  3. 5:08-I actually have wondered if my vote did any good at all.I will continue to vote with my head, as you suggest,but forever doubtful that I'm making a difference.


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