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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

BREAKING NEWS: Michigan House Approves 'right-to-work' Bill

Republican-controlled state House of Representatives approves measure to limit public-sector unions' strength in Michigan. The chamber still has to vote on a bill dealing with private-sector workers. Gov. Rick Snyder is expected to sign both bills after final passage.


  1. limits them from TAKING money from people when people dont want their representation. people of michigan are tired of being told by a chicago union boss how to spend their paycheck.

  2. If Union membership is so desriable and beneficial why do Union thugs have to use extreme violence and intimidation to keep people in them?????

  3. 4:54 PM

    good question.

    unions are good if working conditions are bad. bring them in and get things right. when everything is running smoothly, dissolve the union.

    if things return to being bad, bring unions back in.

    naw that will never work. of course it would get worse without the union there. simple reason, greed.


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