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Friday, December 07, 2012

Best 1 Minute Gun Commercial


  1. What happens when you arm the citizens to protect themselves!

  2. 4:38 What happens when you arm the citizens to protect themselves! You don't arm citizens to protect themselves, they arm themselves to protect themselves. Is that clear? You do not arm anyone.

  3. 4:38 What happens when you arm the citizens to protect themselves! You don't arm citizens to protect themselves, they arm themselves to protect themselves. Is that clear? You do not arm anyone.

  4. 5:34
    Get a life!
    If people were free to defend themselves, crime would be lower and prisons would be emptier.
    Funeral parlors would be busy for a very short time though.

  5. I think the point is made. I carry for this reason. I carry a copy of my Constitution as a permit. I urge all my fellows to do the same. Have a nice weekend!

  6. I guess neither one of you noticed the sign near the end of the video.

    Welcome law enforcement participants or something.

    Meaning they were cops, not civilians.

  7. 7:30 PM

    Hope I'm never in the same store with you and your itchy trigger finger.

  8. Anonymous said...
    7:30 PM

    Hope I'm never in the same store with you and your itchy trigger finger.

    How stupid are 7:30???


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