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Sunday, December 02, 2012

Bankrupt Hostess Wants To Reward Executives With $1.8 Million In Bonuses

Only days after being unable to work things out with a striking union, and forcing us all to devour faux Twinkies for our creamy, spongy sugar fix, the folks at Hostess Brands Inc. are asking for a bankruptcy court to approve up to $1.8 million in bonus payments to top executives.

According to the Associated Press, the bonuses are intended to retain 19 members of the top brass through the coming months of liquidation. These executives would continue to receive their regular pay — and two of them could earn even bigger bonuses if the liquidation goes swimmingly.

CEO Gregory Rayburn is not among those who would receive a bonus, but he is already earning $125,000 a month, which buys an awful lot of Twinkies… in Canada, where they are still available.


  1. They need to take that money and pay the companies who they owe money to.
    That would be the "right" thing to do.

  2. The cream has risen to the top, twinkle was killed off by ole fashioned greed

  3. If you are in bankruptcy the upper crust should NOT be getting a paycheck much less a bonus!!

  4. Did I not say this 3days ago ?! OH! & they wanted the employes to accept an 8% pay reduction !!!!

  5. A major tax reduction would have accompanied that 8% pay reduction.The end result would have equated to about a 4% pay reduction.They should have accepted that deal indeed.

  6. Any pay cut would be BS when the execs get $1.8M !!!! Let the execs work the line @ 4 or % less than the workers !!!

  7. give 'em a box of twinkies instead!

  8. If they're bankrupt, they can't afford this...err, ahh uhh... can they ?

  9. Cloud Cakes are better

  10. 7:54-Thank you for alerting me to Cloud Cakes.They are indeed better as you say they are.It's like the same basic recipe but slightly improved.last but not least they are available.This will be a serious shot in the arm for the bakeries that remain operational.


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