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Thursday, December 20, 2012

A Dark Road Lies Ahead

Cheaper Than Dirt is (well…was) a great site. It was a place to order bulk ammo to target shoot and find good deals on almost anything firearm related. I was looking to buy a few more Magpul PMags and check out some AR’s so I went online. I went to CTD and found that they are no longer a reputable retailer or representative of the 2nd ammendment. I visited their site today and found this…
They decided to suspend online firearm sales. Read about it HERE.

Dicks Sporting Goods has removed its semi-automatic rifles from their store shelves. Read HERE. A few Walmarts have followed this conga line of stupidity and cowardice.

Even the NRA is silent, they shut down their Facebook page. I am not sure if this was due to pressure applied to FB by the political demons in DC or the NRA thinking that if they run silent and saying nothing they will more likely get out unscathed. Their silence is defeaning.

This is when I realized how real the situation has become and how dark the road ahead is looking.



  1. Sounds like a good start.

  2. cheaper than dirt really rips ya with huge shipping charges, but i too have gotten some good gear from them. i'm sorry to see that they have no backbone.

  3. 1244-Yeah I stopped ordering from cheaperthandirt years ago b/c of shipping.

  4. I equate the coming gun grab to the Government making us turn in smart phones and return to flip phone days.
    Modern sporting rifles are the product of advancing technology just like smart phones which can be used as weapons also.

  5. They have suspended sales, because of overwhelming demand and to catch up with current orders. They ship within 24 hours and are just worried about fulfilling orders within their promised 24 hrs. They will resume taking orders within 7 days is what I was told.

  6. Just got back from Walmart, bought all the .223 they had. Will keep looking for more. I truly see ammunition could very well become useful for money, barter and trade someday very soon.

  7. I'd rather buy privately, and sell the same way. When I buy from a store, I buy the gun my friend wants who has the gun I want! That way, we have our cake and eat it too! And the Feds have NOTHING!

    Stock up on 3,000 rounds per caliber.

  8. 7:52 PM

    You are not alone. They can't take em if they don't know who's got em.

  9. I'll trade you 3000 rounds for your sister and a goat Cleatus.


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