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Wednesday, December 12, 2012


What does this mean? The liberal MSM has ridiculed this movement with their usual misinformation and lies. This is just another sign of the Fourth Turning mood change. the mood grows darker by the day. The smell of conflict is in the air. The linear believing punditry actually think that some ridiculous fiscal cliff compromise is going to solve our problems. They proclaim that 2013 will be the year of economic recovery. Sorry linear thinking progressives. Things are going to get a lot worse before they get better. You can laugh off the talk of secession, but it is a reflection of the dire circumstances that confront this country today. This Fourth Turning gives all indications of heating up in the near future.



  1. lets see...a society under constant and pervasive surveillance (99% of whom are innocent --read that again -- INNOCENT), the likes of which are not even see in totalitarian dictatorships, a Bill of Rights which is now nothing more than a placemat for the Supreme Court and a dishrag for the Congress, the middle class being crushed supporting the masses who wail for ever-increasing goodies and handouts, and a system designed to take everything that isn't tied down. And people are fed up? They want to cut this cancer off their ace? No kidding. But, all they really did by signing those petitions, was to give the FBI something to do. And Homeland Security. I hope none of those people have any dinosaur bones laying around, either, because I hear Homeland Security is HELL on dinosaur bones (the biggest national security threat they can find!).

  2. I ridicule the "movement" and I'm conservative. If one election cycle separates you from your patriotism, then you are weak and not a patriot at all. You've joined the liberals who promised (and lied) to move to Canada if W won in 2004. You are the flip side of the same treasonous coin. Please leave the country my family has fought for since the Revolutionary War. You are no longer fit to call yourself an American.

  3. Well said 3:24.

    A Proud Liberal American

  4. Good Bye. Put up a fence and don't come back.

  5. All I can do for you "USA! USA! USA!!!" "patriots" is to remind you that some of the greatest men our country has EVER seen (much smarter and much more aware than any of YOU) were also labeled "treasonous". They risked EVERYTHING they had to --- wait for it -- START A REVOLUTION. Imagine THAT. And I'll take a moment to remind you of something else they did --- predict the need for ANOTHER revolution. And predicted the circumstances of that necessity. Circumstances which are now in full bloom and EXACTLY as they described. Damn those treasonous bastards. Here's another clue for the clueless -- its NOT been "one election cycle"....its been quite a few. And things have gotten BETTER??? LOL. They are picking your pocket like thieves. Taking your property at will. And spitting on what your fathers and brothers died for.... And you keep cheering. They LOVE it....


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