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Thursday, December 27, 2012

260 School Children Killed In Chicago In 3 Years -- Where Are The Tears For Them?

What makes the victims of everyday inner-city gun violence expendable?
Like President Obama and many others across the country, I too wiped away tears as I watched the horrifying news coverage of the tragic shootings in Newton, Conn. I immediately called my children who were still in school. I sat watching the television trying to fathom how I would respond if I got a call that a shooting had occurred at my children’s school. This brought on more tears. But for the parents of 20 children and six other families in Newton, it wasn’t an exercise; it was an excruciating reality. 
I then watched and listened to our President, and like parents around the world, the shooting had affected him emotionally as well. Twenty children gunned down. He struggled to hold back tears. 

It was then that my phone buzzed. I quickly grabbed it to see if it was one of my children calling back. But it wasn’t. It was a colleague in Chicago. I had emailed her the day before asking for research into one of the mentoring programs in the city’s schools for youth with the highest risk of being shot.



  1. 260 children killed an not a word uttered by obama. I guarantee the majority were African American children.
    It took rich white kids being murdered for obama to speak up.
    This is why the black communities are havens of crime and poverty. It's because black people are fooled and pick scum for "leaders." Nothing will change until the black community wakes up and sees obama for what he is-a failure whose only strong point is lying. It's not just obama but 99$ of these "leaders" blacks look up to. They have done nothing but turn blacks into perpetual victims instead leading.

  2. Sadly many of the so called inner city victims who get shot are shot by people that their own community won't "snitch" on.

  3. 10:21, actually clown, Pres. Obama has spoken about this issue several times. And his statements included something conservatives generally cheer; a call for fathers to step up and a return to family values. Guess you didn't have your listening ears on those days.

  4. Oh right the Icon of the Ghetto Class Obama speaks up about "family values" all the while embracing rappers like Jay Z who promote and glorify violence.
    Oh geez there is no hope for ones like 10:54 who when slapped right in the face with hypocracy can't grasp it. There's not much you can do but laugh at these types-they are hopeless.

  5. 10:21 AM

    The second police try to do something in high crime areas the neighbor hoods start spouting the political correctness garb.

  6. Obama speaking of family values is like Manson speaking out against murder. The obamas are the epitome of vulgarity and crudeness. I expect it from him since being born of a not so family oriented mother who dumped him off. The wife is just as crude. Any mother esp of daughers who didn't speak out when obama took money from Maher who called Palin the C-word is a disgusting example of a real mother. These people do not represent family values in anyway shape or form unless you do live that "other" (low class) type of lifestyle.

  7. 1138, last I checked, JayZ is a successful businessman who married his wife THEN fathered a child. Oh right, he's a rapper so he must be terrible. I wonder do you similarly deem Al Pacino, Joe Pecci, Tarantino, all the major video game developers, and the biggest music executives in the industry who all make money off of similarly themed products.

  8. Did any of those others you mention shoot their brother 12:35? The answer is NO they didn't. He was also arrested in connection with a stabbing, gun possession and has involvement w/drugs.
    You can cover crap w/sugar but it's still crap. Jay z made money appealing to the dregs of society like himself-those who justify and promote violence-foul excuses for human beings.
    Beyonce is no better. A sensible woman does not get mixed up with the like of him. And esp does not have a child with a man of his values. Not a real mother anyway.

    It is what it is and those are the facts. You can put a mule in a horse harness but that doesn't raise them on the class scale. Same goes here.

  9. The point is 12:35 that obama has no business speaking out against any kind of family values or violence when he in fact embraces those who do. Maybe you are fooled or don't mind hypocritical actions but alot of people do.

  10. I was good with the article until the color was brought in. I have a hard time blaming guns for the inner city folks shooting each other and then noone will step up and help solve the crimes. Sorry about the children but the fasmilies must take some responsibility if they do not act to change it. seems they just want to sit back and wait for the mane to solve all their problems, both financial and violence. Step up or shut up.

  11. Keep in mind this is one of the foundations of Smart Growth, as is being forced upon all Marylanders by the O'Malley administration.

    We are all to move to the urban areas, where violence and poverty reign supreme!

  12. Obama never speaks of values of any kind because he knows his core voter base doesn't want to hear it. They would rather hear excuses for why they are wallowing in cess pools of crime and poverty instead of the truth which is it's their own fault because of their refusal to take any kind of responsiblity. Now it's out of control and it's the fault of the people who instead of growing a backbone and doing something stood around and listened to half witted "leaders" making excuses and placing the blame elsewhere.

  13. Poverty,drugs, alcohol addictions everyday violence and an enviroment that it filled with day to day crime ceates this. If you accept it, allow it and dont speak out it continues.

  14. While it is very upsetting the events at Sandy Hook Elementary,I would like to see people be more concerned about our daily victims. I'm talking about those children that go to bed hungry, have parents that haven't a clue and don't care or worst of all are abused verbally, physically or sexually on a daily basis. We must not forget these children just because they don't make the national news.

  15. YOu're not going to change the number of killings until you change the mentally of those doing the killing.

    It's almost like they are returning to their tribal roots. The more they kill, hurt and maim the higher they are in their little tribe/clan.

    If that culture cannot be changed, it must be destroyed.

    Or it will destroy everything around it. Which it has already begun. Just look around where they reside and where the crimes are committed.

    They can blame whoever they want but the fault is their own.


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