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Saturday, December 29, 2012

2 Rocket Launchers Turned In During LAPD Gun Buyback

LAPD gun buyback was so successful that two-hour waits and gift-card shortages were reported.

The department says it picked up 75 assault weapons as part of its no-questions-asked effort that saw $100 dollar cards handed out for handguns and long guns and $200 for the kind of rifle used in the Newtown tragedy. The LAPD says 901 handguns, 698 rifles, 363 shotguns will also be destroyed.

Good stats. But this is the one that got us saying WTF:

Cops picked up two -- count 'em two -- rocket launchers (!) (and not one, as other outlets are reporting), an LAPD official with close knowledge of the program told us. Holy hell why do people on our streets have military grade rocket launchers?



  1. It's not a problem to own one. Obama gives them free to Muslim Countries that don't even like us. You may even be able to buy them on E-bay.

  2. Help me out here: there are existing laws on the books making it illegal to own rocket launchers. Correct? And there are no stores selling rocket launchers to the general public, correct? And yet, there are rocket launchers owned by folks on the street.
    And I'm supposed to give up my guns?
    So I will be unarmed and the other guys will have --- rocket launchers?!

  3. Sounds like a crock. But it makes great headlines for the sheep.

  4. This is NOT a rocket launcher. It is the empty tube left over from an AT4. It is a disposable, non reloadable system. These are simply novelties. IDIOTS.

  5. they dug 50 years worth of crap out of storage to create the impression that it was just turned in, to perpetuate the lie that "DA STREETS" are "flooded" with evil guns. cops nationwide pull this stunt every time. anybody who believes what these people say is a damned fool.

  6. No, they turned in a $50.00 tube that can not be used and received $200.00 for it. Actually an enterprising gun owner with a sense of humor.

  7. are you kidding me they dont work just bs to make the real bs people look good

  8. It makes the anti-guns nuts that don't know anything about guns look stupid.

  9. Can you explain how this no questions asked turn in works? I'm sure they will test the guns for prior crimes but then how do they know who to go after if one does come back?

  10. 6:53. They might test but they can't go back that is part if no questions asked. Makes it nice for criminals. Can't convict without a weapon. BS PLAN

  11. This looks like an AT4 training device.

  12. So I guess my scud missile launcher would qualify?

  13. Looks like Jose just got $500.00 for a potato launcher. LMAO

  14. This is NOT a rocket launcher. It is the empty tube left over from an AT4. It is a disposable, non reloadable system. These are simply novelties. IDIOTS.

    December 29, 2012 4:59 PM

    Non-military jackasses. They can't help it. They don't know what they don't know.

  15. Look carefully.Is that Saddam Hussein holding the missile launcher? Has he come back from the dead?

  16. I didn't think it was armed but difficult to tell from how it was held in the photo. Once fired they cannot be reloaded and troops used the empty cylinders for other things.

  17. Scare tactics for liberals bozo's that wouldn't know a bullet from a Bic lighter. Most people probably took the money and went staright out the door laughing. Then used the money to buy ANOTHER, better gun. What idiot in LA or ANY city would give up their gun and trust the POLICE to protect them?? Must have worked well in Chicago, home of some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation. And buy back programs JUST LIKE THIS ONE. Also, by the way, home of 500 murders in less than a year. Gun control??? LOL. They will NEVER "control" guns.

  18. It would be interesting to look at the numbers of weapons turned in by their owners rather than people who simply stole them in order to sell them to the local PD.


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