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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Today's Survey Question 11-15-12

Is A Conservative Third Party Is A Terrible Idea?


  1. Yes, it would split what little vote the Republicans have. How do you think Clinton was elected.

  2. It's a great idea.....if you're a Democrat.

  3. I'd really like to see a party develop that pledges to keep their nose out of my personal life choices and to take care of our own (veterans & children) before taking on half or better than half some other nation's problems (illegal immigrants, "humanitarian" aid, support of one foreign faction over another, etc). NO money from special interests or conglomerates or foreign donors in campaigns or on Capital Hill, cap all individual campaign donations. Flat tax ALL luxury (if it isn't food, shelter, basic transportation it's A LUXURY!) items so that people pay equal amounts regardless of income.

    Oh, yeah ...want welfare? You get to do community service equal to at least half of the hours of work at minimum wage that u collect. Mandatory drug testing. Random audits of where your welfare money went and what you purchased. Got a drug conviction? No freebies till you test clean for six months. If I, as a taxpayer, am gonna foot your bill, then I damn sure don't have a problem with spending some of it to watch you like Big Brother does me and mine and tell you what you can and can not do!

  4. 12:23pm: well put!!

  5. This is a dumb idea.

  6. So 12:23 you believe government should stay out of the life of citizens unless they are successful enough to pay their own way? While I understand your point, it's not exactly the way you create an environment where government stays out of EVERYONE'S life. The poor should enjoy the fourth amendment just as well as you.

  7. 12:23 - when are you running for what office?

  8. I would like to pose a question for everyone to ponder. Who are better for our country - Democrats or Republicans?
    What percentage of prison inmates would refer to themselves as Democrats? 80% - 90%?
    What percentage of drug addicts would refer to themselves as Democrats? 80% -90%?
    What percentage of welfare reciepients would refer to themselves as Democrats? 80% - 90%?
    Who is more likely to not pay any taxes at all and is perfectly willing to suck this country dry, Democrats or Republicans?
    I think the evidence is loud and clear. Get rid of all Democrats and we would have a hard working, safe society again full of happy working people. The welfare state would dissapear in a flash and our people wouldn't be mired in self piry and envy. Just a dream, just a dream...

  9. How about instead of worrying about a party, we all just vote according to who we think the right man for the job is. Doesn't seem like we've gotten much out of throwing blind support to either side.

  10. This , in my opinion is a stupid question. We can't deal with 2 parties much less 3.

  11. A Great idea. Call it the Amish Party.

  12. It's a dumb idea.

    The third party should be free of "liberal" and "conservative." It should be about personal liberty, which is totally above the absurdist "left right" paradigm

  13. 2:35 well stated...

  14. Fire the House Speaker and Hire Sarah PalinNovember 15, 2012 at 5:38 PM

    It is time to abandon the Republican party. W/O us they will not have a money resource.

    Let us form this third party so we can beat the DEMON-CRATS from now on!


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