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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Today's Fill In The Blank 11-13-12

Obama won the election because _____.


  1. He was the better candidate.

  2. He won a majority of votes in enough states to amass well over 270 electoral college votes. duh

  3. Us college kids like a half black half white guy.

  4. 47% of the people live off the Government. If the trend continues and with Obamacare, by 2016 55% of the people will be living off the Government. This is irreversible and been in Obama's plan all along. I truly believe we will never see a Republican president again.

  5. 1244 seems to me I recall seeing projections going back to before last decade pointing towards increases in the amount of people receiving gov. assistance right around this time as the baby boomers retire. But don't let the facts get in your way.

  6. Because of either stupid people or people who are dishonest. There is no gray area. The stupid people just don't know Obama did not end the Iraq War (one of many examples) That leaves the ones who did know this isn't true, but choose to vote for him anyway and it shows that they are dishonest. No gray areas. No honest decent person would ever aprove of or reward dishonesty unless they themselves have this most horrible character flaw.

  7. Because Romney was a terrible candidate who took every position on every issue.
    Romney was the republican version of John Kerry

  8. the slaves to entitlements are a greater number than those that actually work

  9. He received more votes than the other guy?

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    He was the better candidate.

    November 13, 2012 12:38 PM

    He was a better candidate because he watched 4 Americans get murdered in Benghazi and did absolutely nothing about it?

  11. The only thing Obama was/is better at than Romney is lying and appealing to the cesspool of humanity.

  12. agree with 1:03!! All this scandal with the CIA director is to divert attention from the negligence with Benghazi!! Nothing short of impeachment should be done about this!!

  13. Because the takers now out-number the makers. We are past the tipping point folks. It is now just a matter of time before total collapse.

  14. Because the global elite wished it so.It may be difficult for some of us to realize that the US is under a microscope for all the world to see.

  15. We are witnessing the death of one of the greatest countries in human history. There will be civil war and the country will fragment. It is too late to stop it. Rome is burning..............

  16. Because of Paul Ryan. A less extreme vp and more votes for the head of the ticket.

  17. 12:49. You speak of facts, how many new federal workers will there be, including IRS with Obamacare? Obamacare has nothing to do with baby boomers. Obamacare was never heard of 5 years ago, because 5 years ago, nobody had even heard of Obama. Do I make myself clear?

  18. Because there are too many lazy ass people who don't want to work for a living and my husband and I are paying for them to sit home and take, take, take instead of going out and earning it themselves. We can sleep at night knowing we are working to pay our bills and buying our own food and paying for our house and etc. No, we do not work for the Government!!!

  19. the majority of Americans believe the government can spend us into prosperity.

  20. We College + Young Adults like Rock Star Presidents... Like he is sooooooooooooooooo cool and hip man.

    We also do not believe in after life so party on dude.

  21. You will not be able to find anybody that voted for Obamaby the middle of 2014.

  22. Is one of the biggest con-man every to reach this high of office. The uninformed public has been duped at this flim-flam man.

  23. Agreed 1:15 and 2:31.
    So true 2:38 and 2:48

  24. Massive fraud by the dumbocrats.

  25. because we are no longer the minority anymore, yous are!

  26. 303 was the magic number.

  27. I can't stand Alex most of the time. For once he is right. I think it was like fourteen million less less people that voted this time than in 2008. Why did they stay home? Because both candidates sucked. A rhino republican who stood for nothing or a communist orginizer who lied every time he opened his mouth. Why vote? The country was going to hell in a hand basket either way. The American people just chose the fastest way to get there.

  28. Romney was not the top choice of the true conservatives but the Washington elite. Although, he was the better candidate of the two to make more positive changes in the economy. The next four years, if we survive that long, will see a very changed America. At last count, 20 states have already filed petitions to become separate government entities. This is just the beginning!

  29. Romney was the perfect candidate for losers to hate. He is rich and is a family man - made his money the honest way.

  30. the hogs at the trough. thankss sjd

  31. Obama received money from other Countries which, by the way, is illegal.


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