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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Tea Party Vows To Stay For Long Haul, Takes No Blame For GOP Losses

Tea party leaders say they refuse to be the scapegoats for the drubbing Republicans took on Election Day, claiming it was the party establishment — not their insurgent movement — that cost the party seats in the House and Senate and returned President Obama to the White House.

In fact, various branches of the grass-roots movement vow to reassert themselves on the local and nation levels as Congress begins talks aimed at averting the “fiscal cliff.” They say their call for limited government is more relevant than ever before.

“As far as the tea party is concerned, we are still here,” said Amy Kremer, leader of the Tea Party Express. “We may not be out on the streets with the colorful signs like 2010, but we are here, we are engaged and we are going to continue to fight. We never thought this was a short-term process. It is going to take a long time to turn it around.”



  1. The Tea Party serves a use but they need to be discerning in their candidates. They have some nutcases that are counterproductive to their cause.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The Tea Party serves a use but they need to be discerning in their candidates. They have some nutcases that are counterproductive to their cause.

    November 25, 2012 10:59 AM

    How ironic you should say that. I have noticed that all Democrats are nutcases. Nuff Said!

  3. The tea party is the last hope for America!


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