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Wednesday, November 07, 2012


BALTIMORE, MD (November 6, 2012) – Governor Martin O’Malley today released the following statement on the Civil Marriage Protection Act:
“Over these past few weeks, Marylanders joined together to affirm that for a free and diverse people of many faiths – a people committed to religious freedom – the way forward is always found through greater respect for the equal rights and human dignity of all.

“A lot of people worked very hard to make this day possible, including the Human Rights Campaign, the NAACP, SEIU, clergy and community leaders.  

“To Maryland’s children – please know that you and your families matter to the people of our State.  Whether your parents happen to be gay or straight, Democratic, Republican or Independent, your families are equal before the eyes of the law.   

“We have tremendous challenges as a nation, and it is my sincere hope that we can come together to meet those challenges with greater respect for the dignity of every individual.  

“We are One Maryland, and all of us, at the end of the day, want the same thing for our children: to live in a loving, stable, committed home protected equally under the law.  

“As we have done so often in our State’s history, Marylanders chose to come together to affirm this profound truth that has served as both the cornerstone -- and the beacon of hope -- of our nation.

"By this vote, the people of our State affirmed that we are One Maryland and that we’re all in this together.”


  1. Marylanders also have the choice to leave this liberal uneducated state. Gay marriage reduced tuition for illegals and those of us who pay the majority of taxes keep being bent over to pay for it. I will call long & foster in the morning. My tax paying family is heading out

  2. It's about time that this was approved on a ballot measure. Let's be proud of Maryland instead of promising to move out of the state. Equality is fair for everyone.

  3. hey 1:33
    you are one sick individual!
    I'm proud to be an American , Maryland is not an American state!

  4. Proud? This is an attack on religion and a gross violation of. Separation of church and state.

  5. Anonymous said...
    It's about time that this was approved on a ballot measure. Let's be proud of Maryland instead of promising to move out of the state. Equality is fair for everyone.

    November 7, 2012 1:33 AM

    It has nothing to do with equality. It is a mental illness and you people have some serious mental issues!!

  6. I am so SICK today that I called off work. What has Md. done ??? Next we will be throwing out the Bible and Burning all Churches as what need will there be for them as we have gone against "GOD'S WILL" so much that soon we will all be reading the Koran and having civil war as these 3rd world countries that we are trying to catch up with as this is NOT the AMERICA I once knew.

  7. Thank you MD! With that over, can we get back to debating issues that really matter. Last I checked, two consenting adult males walking down the aisle doesn't have a thing to do with the success of my buisness. Unless of course I'm a caterer or wedding planner. So hey, maybe this will be a boost to the economy eh

  8. I dont see and republicans winning Maryland ever again after seeing what the people here voted for last night.

  9. How you can be proud of MD? I can not be proud of an electorate that finds same sex marriage more important than electing responsible people to govern us. Of course omalley was not in the race but we can not be proud of someone like him, nothing but a career politician who depends on his agenda to be passed by catering to the Welfare Kings and Queens? I do not relate to omalley or his supporters in any way shape or form. I have higher standards and a higher level of goals and achievements.
    I feel really bad for the young people who live in MD. Instead of working hard so they can buy nicer things, they will be working hard to pay for the hand outs of those who think they deserve it. Why do people think they are entitled and deserve things they do not work and make sacrifices for? Omalley like Obama has a jealousy issue with success and it has manifested itself into a hatred of successful people.

  10. 1:33am Since when is marriage "Equality"? MOVING!!!

  11. If I could sell my house sooner than later and take my small business with me and get out of this one horse state, I would. But no one can afford to buy my house unless I take a huge loss on it and just walk away from it. My business on the other hand can be started back up again in another state that is more small business friendly and away from the illegal immigrants getting the same college tuition that I worked so hard to save for in order that my children could go to college in the state of Maryland. Even California with all the
    "fruits and nuts" there voted down Gay Marriage - As William Donald Schaeffer said many years ago, the Eastern Shore is an outhouse, well in my opinion the whole state of Maryland is an outhouse!

  12. At least Maryland had the opportunity to vote on this. Markell, governor of Delaware, is not allowing a vote; he intends to push this through in January. With Markell doing this the people of Delaware will never have the option of bringing it to a vote; parents will not be informed when the homosexual garbage is being taught and they will not have the option to keep their children home during these teaching sessions. Hitler rules Delaware because the people of Delaware allowed their governing powers to write the laws in such a way.

  13. 12:31 Go to VA if at all possible and esp make this effort if you have children. No matter what you hear about MD schools being top notch and number 1 in the country it is not true. MD schools are horrible, the pits, the bottom of the barrel. They only rate good because test score adjustment. MD contracts out these in school therapists who are urged to label students as learning disabled and the more learning disabled students the more they can adjust test scores.

  14. History has shown that as a culture condones behavior like this, the culture starts it's decline. We started condoning this type of behavior right after our best times.

  15. Be proud Maryland! Bend over.

  16. Good riddance to your narrow minded self.

  17. The govenor is going to hell like the rest of them.

  18. Don't let the door hit you on the way out 12:31. I'll give you the immigration thing, but pretending that allowing gay marriage impacts you negatively in any way, let alone financially, is ridiculous.

  19. 1:33 I want to marry my dog is that o.k. she is not happy with a civil union she wants it called a marriage. Can we vote on that. O'malley sucks he got his big new casino in Baltimore now he can get every welfare dollar left. More hungry and abused kids because momma left the seven kids at home and gambled the thousands in free money away. Oh yea it is a win, win situation. lol A handful of people will get extermely rich off of the Baltimore's welfare dollar. The schools will not see a cent. Liberal idiots. Maryland Sucks.

  20. Goodbye and good luck, Anonymous 12:31.

  21. Not only do I plan to move out of Maryland I also plan on moving my business out to

  22. 12:31 AM 8:50 AM

    I wish I could join you. Maybe in the future but not right now. I have NO MONEY to move.

    How do I get free stuff from Obama?

  23. Go ahead and move! Please! We don't need people who freak out so much over basic equality.

  24. Of the counties having the greatest impact on election results in MD, PG County has only 2 of it's 8 Board of Education members holding a bachelor's degree. You wonder why kids coming out of school think what's taking place is normal?

  25. Three states passed this last night by popular vote. Maryland is not alone.

  26. Anonymous said...

    Proud? This is an attack on religion and a gross violation of. Separation of church and state.

    November 7, 2012 6:00 AM

    Question: So it wasn't all the fear mongering christians that were b****ing that they shouldn't be able to get married. Is that separation of church and state? Separation of church and state means that the government can't dictate what you do by religious beliefs; you can be what religion you want, you can practice that religion. This includes the practice of religion in school, which alot of people diligently complain needs to be put in school. You can pray in school if you must, but you cannot push your belief on someone else. Half of America needs to go back to history class and reread why we succeeded from England in the first place.

  27. All that voted for this should stand up and take a bow. Just lube up before you do so it is less painful

    oh Andy...


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