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Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Small Businesses Delay Big Decisions Until After Election

Small businesses won’t budge on some major decisions until after Tuesday’s election results are revealed.
So says a new survey released by Insperity Inc. that shows small-business owners are worried about the election’s outcome — and massive cuts to federal spending — that may affect their bottom line.
“With the exception of plans to increase employee compensation in the next few months, business owners are standing firm awaiting the results of the 2012 election,” said Paul J. Sarvadi, Insperity’s CEO. “Importantly, concerns about the impending fiscal cliff and its wide-ranging economic effects were certainly evident in answers to our open-ended survey questions.”


  1. Maybe IM nuts, I recently purchased one with large hopes of it being a success. With employment being lackluster at best, I decided to take the plunge. Cant live in fear.

  2. If Romney wins we will see an immediate upswing in the economy. This includes the stock market. Big investors are gone and market is mostly day traders (not a good thing). Investors had pulled out and are pocketing their money.
    Also quite a few businesses have held off on purchasing big dollar items worried obama is going to pull the tax deduction for expenses.

  3. Da new Black Panther PartyNovember 6, 2012 at 3:23 PM

    I agree 3:04 pm but cry baby Obama will go out kicking and screaming!

  4. I personally know of people who are in the middle class income bracket (so not rich by any sense of the word) who would love to buy some foreclosed homes and renovate them to resell. People can't get loans on houses that aren't livable unless they have alot to put down but these people have some extra money. They were doing this before Obama scared them with his talk of eliminating tax deductions and they by no means were making a fortune esp when you consider the hours they themselves were putting in. In the meantime plumbers, painters, drywallers and other trademan aren't getting work that they could be.

  5. And don't forget the race card. He and his cronies will certainly play that.

  6. Obama scared people into thinking these tax breaks businsesses get is some hugh deal. It's only a one time deduction on expenses incurred. The deduction comes no where near the money spent on the items. Like if you buy a new work truck you get a one time small deduction but in the meantime you bought a truck that helps the local dealer and the manufacturer. Obama scares people like this on alot of things and they don't realize it. He does out and out lie alot too in an attempt to make people think something isn't or is what it's really not.


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