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Tuesday, November 20, 2012


SALISBURY – After receiving a letter on Nov. 15 from County Executive Rick Pollitt declining the Salisbury City Council’s request to talk with the County about incorporating a skatepark into its plans for use of a 6.42-acre parcel behind the Wicomico Youth and Civic Center, three of the four city council members present at the Monday work session opted to not advance acceptance of a grant for a skatepark to be located in the city park across from a number of residences.

“We’re disappointed that we weren’t even given an opportunity to talk with the County about this better location, which would not have disrupted a neighborhood or wildlife and offered ways to ensure the skatepark would be sustainable,” Council President Terry Cohen said in a statement.  “We don’t want a new skatepark to end up like the County’s last one, closed down and filled in.”

Cohen remains hopeful that a skatepark will be developed in Salisbury, saying that some of the essential elements are a plan for ongoing maintenance and associated expenses, a vision for leveraging economic benefits such as opportunities for new businesses and tourism as result of the park, and complimenting other local and regional amenities in a way that does not interfere with residential neighborhoods.

“At $262,000 to construct just the first phase, this would be a regional facility, not a small, local playground, so the demands to ensure its success will be higher,” Cohen noted.  “If the City is going to take on what is essentially a County responsibility, a lot needs to be in place to ensure its sustainability.”

At the meeting, Council Vice President Debbie Campbell expressed her disappointment that the Mayor had rejected Salisbury University’s offer to be involved in an environmental study of the area.  As part of its grant-funding process, Maryland’s Department of Natural Resources had performed what Cohen called “a top-level review,” but Cohen said that DNR had informed her that their review should not be considered an impact study.

“Many constituents have expressed concerns about the environmental well-being of the more natural end of the city park.  I realize the Mayor and others want to convert that end of the park from “passive recreation” to “active recreation,” which by itself is not necessarily a bad thing,” Cohen said.  “However, with that area of the city park being one of the last publicly available places in the entire city to be surrounded by nature, such a change should be approached cautiously so that we don’t stress wildlife, encourage erosion or otherwise damage or lose that precious asset.”


  1. Kudos to the city council for a well thought out decision. This does not kill the project, it just prevents another foolish decision by local government. Better options are likely to emerge. I amm disappointed in Pollit however, not even being willing to discuss alternatives. I guess the money he spent on his damn civic center parking lot which seems to be virtually unused most of the time leaves nothing for any other possibly worthwhile projects. Great job againn Terri and Debbie, and Pollit as usual...you always disappoint!

  2. Nicely stated. I would like to see a skatepark but the city park is not a good place to put it. The county really should be the one to do it or even a private business. The Crown sports complex would be an ideal place.

  3. I thought J Robinson had a building to put it in.

  4. The city has an ideal spot. Use the spot behind the new civic center parking lot. City cannot get rid of the dirt pile so build around it.

  5. if its such a good idea, why is an indivisual not building one to make money?

  6. As usual the Council of "no"

  7. lets waste more money...piss it away...as the county, state, and entire country goes down the tolet. Amazing how people set their priorities....

  8. anonymous 11:45, only a coward would make such a statement and hide behind anonymous.

    There are so many reasons this skate park needed to be dumped. IF you cannot have someone there managing it, the younger kids will never get the chance to use it. Illegal smoking will take place, alcohol and Lord knows what else would happen if it is not properly managed. This grant does NOT allow you to pay for someone to manage it.

    The ONLY people out there that would make such a statement are either the Mayor himself or someone very close to him.

    You don't spend $300,000.00 or so on something completely out of control. The Taxpayers will have to pay to upkeep it and IF it got closed down the Taxpayers would have to pay back the grant.

    Yes, they are the Council Of No because they are the ONLY people keeping any eye on our best interests.

    Ireton knew from day one it wouldn't fly. HOWEVER, Ireton uses these exact items to make the Council look bad and his image clean.

    That being said, every time our readers see the Mayor calling them the Council of No they will immediately know the Mayor always has a special agenda and guess what, it's all about Jim Ireton's image.

    That will change in April, you'll see.

  9. 11:45 must be Jim Ireton, LOL! His mantra. He doesn't sound like he really wanted to work this out.

  10. Anonymous said...
    if its such a good idea, why is an indivisual not building one to make money?

    November 20, 2012 11:36 AM

    Bingo! If this was such a great idea it would be bought and paid for by private industry. I love to rollers skate so I have to ride all the way down to Fruitland and pay Crown to use their skating rink. Why should I have to pay to roller skate while the skate boarders get to skate board at the tax payers expense. If this is such a great idea then someone should build a skate park and charge to use it.

  11. If they are the council of no,then why have they wasted so much money buying run down buildings in town and let them sit.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    As usual the Council of "no"

    November 20, 2012 11:45 AM

    Sounds like the twit Mike Dunn is still reading this blog.

  13. Dont have to build a park,just let them use property behind civic center and they will build something there like they had down in the woods before the city tore it down.

  14. who really gives a crap? seriously? all the issues facing this comunity and this is what some of you morons hang your hats on? How about raising your own money and use your own land and time to buidl what wouldo nly benefit a few individuals! I'm always amazed how free you leeches are with everyone elses resources!

  15. I completely agree about private funding.

    Although I disagree about the "stigma" of skate parks Joe. I lived in the Seattle area for a few years, and literally every small town had a skate park, usually where the baseball/soccer fields were. Those too were strategically located, so as to make it much easier for observation by passing police. Not off in some dark corner/wooded area, but out in the open on a busy stretch of road. I found it to be a lot more family oriented, you'd have kids playing soccer, baseball, and some kids on the halfpipe. Parents around, etc. If you think that simply having a skate park will bring some bad influences, you should really look around at the state of the area in the first place. It ain't so grand, and drug use is already rampant.

  16. "Anonymous said...
    As usual the Council of "no"

    November 20, 2012 11:45 AM"

    It's very simple. Feel free to build one yourself. My grandmother always said when you buy your kid or yourself a skateboard, a go kart, a 4 wheeler, etc be sure and also buy the property to use it on!

  17. If kids are "bored" they can read a book. Or the newest too "inactive" they can volunteer with a non profit or nursing home washing windows or doing yard work or some other type of physical labor.

  18. 12:48, it would be out in the open, not buried in the woods. But it would butted up against the woods and would also be right across from houses.

    This could happen, could have already happened if politicians like Ireton weren't playing games and if the community really supported it. Some person would have stepped up to the plate and given land and others would have donated piles of money. Sounds like a bunch of amateurs are trying to put it together and blaming the council for wanting it done right.

  19. Delmar has a skate park but Salisbury does not?

  20. Can't blame the council for looking out for taxpayers just because a grant will get it started however the taxpayers end up funding it.

    The taxpayers should know that's how it will be, a skatepark may involve tax hike to fund it or take if from another department.

    The council is just doing their job of oversight and avoiding conflicts down the road. We have enough "half done" projects in this city. Old Mall parking lot still sits with it's pile of rubble.

    WWTP plant issues are winning lawsuits that only keep up with it's legal fee's and no long term solution to the problem except huge amounts of tax dollars.

    This city can't finish the things it's started let alone take on any more liabilities.

    The money doesn't just magically appear in the city coffers.

  21. Jimbo is truly out of control Joe. When will you be filing to run for mayor?

    What is the maximum I can donate to your campaign so we can get Liarton out of office!

  22. City and or County must have a long term plan. You can't (Shouldn't) just put it up and worry about it later. This is not a tennis and or basketball court. You need to have someone there like OC does.

  23. I'm disgusted by some of your comments on here. A community skatepark IS the new playground for the modern child. I'm not quite sure any of you people understand children these days. I agree that perhaps the proposed site might not have been the best site but it was a step in the RIGHT direction. We need a community centered area built by the community for the community (not privatized a$$holes who are just in it for the money and will overcharge just to deepen their wallet). Skateboarding is not what it was 30 years ago when the last park was taken down (stop using this outdated excuse). Drive by any skatepark in the area and investigate for yourself. Skate camps, fun atmosphere, a place for kids to work on maneuvers together with positive encouragement from their piers. This is what being a community is about. Salisbury might be a growing town, but it is a dying community.

  24. No it was not the best site...and $250,000 isn't a small kid's park. In fact, many of the advocates and proposed users are adults, which is fine. A community can thrive if it will work together. The council was trying to get a skate park with a great location as a contributing asset to a great community. I applaud them for that. THose who want to cry over this should start working for a park that includes both the county and city and is located in an area where the shared interest in skateboarding can support new local businesses and strengthen our economy while providing recreation.

  25. anonymous 3:10, I have stated many times in the past, I will await until the last minute to file so as I can continue with publishing Salisbury News. Once I file I must follow the rules of the election board, (or whomever they are). I think every one will agree, there's no way I'll get a fair shake with the rest of the local Media so I'll need to use Salisbury News, (which is now bigger than any one of them anyway) for this election.

    As to the crybabies on here trying to tell us things have changed nowadays when it comes top skate parks, the Council didn't fall for your line of BS. There's nothing different. Go to Delmar and listen to the group of cursing, smoking and drinking skaters that control their little park.

    Let me see you a-holes out there ringing the bell for the Salvation Army or become an Alter Boy, then I'll start believing you. In the mean time you're a group of Eddie Haskels.

    Yeah, I'm running for Mayor and guess what, for the first time a real man is stepping up to the plate calling things the way I see it. I don't like being lied to. I don't like con artists and I'm not stupid enough to run to the Press acting like the Council just cut off my right arm for not accepting another tax payer funded, county used project again. Salisbury is mujch smarter than they used to be back when Comegys, Dunn, Cathcart and Tilghman were in charge, thank God. Now we just need to get rid of Ireton.

  26. Mr. Alberto. I respect your opinions and supporter of your agenda but I think you should reconsider your position on this. There are those type of people at the skatepark in delmar because(no offence)that park is in delmar. But I have also seen (first hand observations) younger and older kids at delmar who are encouraging each other, or are WORKING at something which improves not only their skills but also their work ethic. Consider Ocean Pines (which is in a little more affluent community). They hold skate camps/competitions, it is within a public park with walking trails, basketball courts, etc. It is now a VITAL and POSITIVE part of that community. There IS something different between skateboarding now and skateboarding back in the 70's/80's. I have traveled all over the US especially the west coast and colorado stopping at skateparks nestled within communities. If planned correctly, I have observed these parks as a valuable way to bring people together in a POSITIVE atmosphere. Without harboring people who have a love for their city(community), you have failed to provide an adequate foundation for a community. And it is in this regard I believe we are failing.

  27. Mike D'Ambrosio, Let me start by saying, thank you for using you name.

    Unfortunately we're going to have to agree to disagree on this topic, allow me to explain.

    I fully understand that there are some bad apples no matter where you go or what you do. The complaints I've received over the years in Delmar are from different people and many from people I know personally.

    Here's the problems I see in this particular Park in Salisbury. First of all, the way the Mayor handled the location WITHOUT consulting the Council was bad enough. To place a Skate Park next to 4 residential homes and filing for a grant without advising the Council was completely out of line.

    This Mayor and the former Mayor completely disrespect the process of Administrative and legislative governing. Along with the 12 new Firefighters, the Mayor does NOT have the authority to file for grants implying he/she has legislative authority or approval.

    There's a LEGAL process and Jim Ireton abuses the law every time he pulls this crap. The rest of the MSM is obviously too stupid to even bring this up, yet they call them the Council of No's.

    If you know enough about the grant, (which I do) it does not allow you to hire a management group to police the Skate Park. When you put $300,000.00 into something that is NOT managed, well, I've been in business successfully for many years and not managing it is just plain stupid.

    Again, while I'm sure many or you have good intentions, as a taxpayer or maybe we should say investor, I would NOT invest my money into a project like this believing it would be a success.

    Keep in mind, the Council is NOT saying NO to this project. They are simply saying under the current location and guidelines they are not willing to move forward at this time.

    Look, Salisbury Mayors have really screwed up in the past. They had rubber stamp council members giving the green light to anything and everything put in front of them. This council is simply protecting our interest as taxpayers.

    Finally, why should Salisbury Taxpayers foot the bill, (AGAIN) for County Residents. It's bad enough the Zoo is free to any one and every one. It should be FREE to city residents but there should be a nominal fee for all visitors using the Zoo outside the City limits.

    I'm confident every one will come to some sort of agreement with a Skate Park, just not today. Don't give up hope and next time show the Council the respect they deserve by including them from ground zero. In fact, every one should take a lesson from this project because IF the Council is not involved from the beginning they're going to vote no from here on out, or so it would seem. They ARE the Legislative Body. NOT the Mayor.

  28. Ok. Your position is a bit clearer now. From the last post, it seemed you completely disagreed with the idea of a community skatepark. But, if I'm understanding you correctly, you do not believe the city of Salisbury should be fronting the entire bill and responsibility of a skatepark without the Counties' help? I think that position is reasonable.

    On the other hand I do not think a "management group" is necessary for a skatepark. Just about every PUBLIC skatepark that I have ever visited either has lights at night, or just a fence around the perimeter with it locked at night. Given most of these parks are in a populated and secure location. Maybe a single camera if one feels so inclined. Although location is key for it to work without a "management group".

    On the other hand you have the upkeep of the park. I believe this could be left to the dedicated group of individuals who have tried so hard to get this park built in the first place. Ongoing community fundraisers, donations, etc, would cover upkeep of the grounds.

  29. Mike, in case you hadn't seen my Posts or comments about my past, I used to own a chain of very upscale billiard rooms. I have a lot of experience dealing with customers of all age groups but one thing is for sure, the younger generations must be managed.

    You can post rules and THINK/HOPE al will go well but come on, you and I both know there's going to be groups that just aren't going to follow the rules.

    That being said, let's just say you were the mentor of the public skate park and some kid comes in there who refuses to cooperate with the rules. Do you really want to be the bouncer stepping in to tell that one kid he can't do what he's doing. He'll tell you go shove it and continue to do what he was doing. There's just no control. Then, what if there's a fight and someone gets seriously hurt, who pays for it?

    I understand there's going to be issues no matter what. However, today the younger generation doesn't line up in order, like we were taught years ago. Sorry, it's just the truth. We're adapting to a LOT of changes with the younger generations and while we have to accept it these days, why ask for trouble when and if it could be managed.

    Think about the 10 year old that comes up there and the big guys are controlling the Park. They're going to give up, parents are going to get frustrated and in the end there will be a select few that control the Park. You can try to tell me things are different today and I'll always come back and say, no way.

    I would love to see a Skate Park anywhere in Wicomico County and preferably Salisbury. I look at Ben's Red Swings and the corporate help they get every year maintaining that area, especially Home Depot. Their ability to come in there with volunteers and manpower, (including materials) is just unbelievable. Perhaps you could also find sponsors willing to do the same for the Skate Park and take that burden off the taxpayers?

    As fr as donations, from what I know, this group you speak of has had years to raise funds. in fact, I recall them saying they wanted to build it completely on their own WITHOUT ANY taxpayer money, they just needed a location. I also know they have only raised a few thousand dollars over all these years and much of that money, (from what I'm told) came from John Robinson. So your saying they could raise the money, I'm just not buying it. Because so little was raised, (with all due respect) it's nowhere near enough money for upkeep.

    Look, more work needs to be put into this. Just because it sounds like a really good idea, (to some) doesn't mean the majority want it. The location chosen was wrong. That needs to be the first thing to secure.

    Maybe there's a way, (like the cameras you mentioned) to police the area. That might not be a bad idea but we can't expect the SPD to keep an eye on a Skate Park, hence my really feeling it needs to be professionally managed.

    In time we'll all come together and agree to a better location and even management. Don't feel as if your efforts are wasted. It will happen, just not at that location.

  30. Mr. D'Ambrosio,

    The council isn't against a skatepark, but they got blindsided by the mayor. And the skatepark committee too it looks like from "out here".

    How many times did you as a supporter contact each member of the council and talked to them? How about the members of the skate committee? How about the mayor? Do you think legislators should have to go begging to be clued in?

    I disagree with Joe that the council will say no to something just because they are kept out of the loop. They have always bent over backwards to do the right thing, even when Ireton is trying to screw them. Maybe they should tell him to stick it.

    Mr. D., be glad these decent and sensible people are on council trying to do the right thing. Because if it was me on there, I probably would have told you all to go to hell.

  31. So much Drama!!
    Just design the thing just like the OC park/skate park what is so hard here? !!!
    Parents drop off older kids to skate board area and they most likely will take the dog or younger children to ajoining areas.
    Have attendants, have bleachers so others can sit and watch the skateboarders, a picnic area will promote family activity. Town park

  32. Many of those who want this skate park don't even live in the city or pay city taxes, they just "want."

    I agree, it must stay supervised or it will become just another city money pit.

  33. heres an idea
    since 5:24 objected to having to pay to use it

    ho wabout those that really want it start a fund drive to pay for it. they can get all themoney for the land, design, insurance, construction, ect. then just open it to the public for free

    if you want something bad enough you will figure a way

  34. Joe, I don't pick up the Daily Times that often, but after seeing this on your blog, I had to when I saw it had a skatepark article.

    The article was really nasty. Just one attack after another on the council, including from Rick Pollitt! I was shocked. He didn't just comment on what Cohen said (which wasn't bad), but he pretty much damned the council overall!

    How do people really feel about Pollitt? I confess, I voted for him, but I'm pretty disappointed. Now he's blowing off the Salisbury city council. Is there some political game going on we don't know about? I live outside the city limits, but I still think those gals do a good job and don't deserve the beatings they get. Thanks for enlightening us, Joe.


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