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Saturday, November 10, 2012

Restrictions Lifted To Help Hurricane Sandy Victims

The Office of Personnel Management is easing restrictions on benefits to help feds who are victims of Superstorm Sandy. The Washington Post reports insurers in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program are extending deadlines for things such as notifying them if you've had emergency care or been treated by an out-of-network provider. The Federal Long-Term Care Insurance program will not cancel benefits for Sandy victims who fail to pay their premiums on time. The Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance program is streamlining its procedures to pay out claims faster, and OPM has a hotline [888-472-2967] for retirees and survivors hurt by the storm.


  1. it always amazes me that when things need to get done, the way to do it is to remove the chains placed upon us by liberals

    and yet we morons just voted to add even more chains

  2. Yeah 1117, how dare they ever set deadlines for payment of premiums. They are so evil.


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