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Thursday, November 08, 2012

Reid Moves To Limit GOP Filibusters

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Wednesday that he will try to push through a change to Senate rules that would limit the GOP’s ability to filibuster bills.

Speaking in the wake of Tuesday’s election, which boosted Senate Democrats’ numbers slightly, Mr. Reid said he won’t end filibusters altogether but that the rules need to change so that the minority party cannot use the legislative blocking tool as often.

“I think that the rules have been abused and that we’re going to work to change them,” he told reporters. “We’re not going to do away with the filibuster but we’re going to make the Senate a more meaningful place.”



  1. He's mad because republicans wont allow trillion dollar stimulus bills to be passed.

  2. Does anyone else have a problem with just LOOKING at this guy?

    Every time I see his face, I want to slap it or worse.

  3. 4 more years of him, too. argh!

  4. He said 'you can't push us around'...now he's introducing legislation to allow the democrats to do exactly that.

  5. 10:27PM: Oh I agree with you 100%! A good face slap until he is senseless would be greatly appreciated.

  6. 7:53 He isalready senseless and mindless

  7. Why didn't you do that earlier, Harry?


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