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Wednesday, November 07, 2012


“There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. … My job is not to worry about those people. I’ll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.”
Mitt Romney


  1. Exactly, so Obama will FORCE the working American to carry that demographic on our backs.
    While a majority of people are so disengaged with reality they have no clue about the Media monopoly that got him elected. AGAIN.

  2. except, the folks who make up that 47% (elderly, working poor, disabled vets) are largely REPUBLICAN.

  3. It's that type of thinking that sent him to the unemployment office this morning.

  4. Look at you people...
    The Obama regime was successful at demonizing and destroying a self made man.
    A man of integrity, respect, decency and honor. A man with principles, faith and courage. A man that worked for a living to provide for his family.
    A better man than Obama will ever be.
    AND, a richer man than Obama will ever be. (see above paragraph to understand)For, Obama has none of those traits.

  5. Anon357 - what's a trait obama only has? That's right... President (again)

  6. rite on 342, now move on mitches!

  7. obammy not the problem. the problem is the selfish self-centered idiots who gave him the oval office.

    they put their own needs and wants ahead of what's good for the country.

  8. yes and those of us who work hard for a living are stunned. stunned that there are so many people that want to have the government take care of them. stunned that there is no longer pride in ownership. stunned that personal gain means nothing to the majority of americans. what a shame

  9. We will end up like europe. down and dirty. broke and attacking each other .where is the government going to get the money after they finish raping the hard working folks.Can only go on for so long. Taxation without representation? Heard that before the last revolution didnt we?

  10. 4:27 PM

    I feel that way also. In a daze.

  11. Why are we even talking about this loser. He lost the presidential race. Can we know just move along. Move forward. By the way, that statement he made killed his chances.

  12. I hope everyone that voted for Obama gets what they've got coming to them. They deserve no less!!

  13. Anonymous said...
    Anon357 - what's a trait obama only has? That's right... President (again)

    November 7, 2012 4:10 PM

    You are one ignorant person that is to stupid to understand what is happening to this country.

    1. Wow, that was an incisive rebuttal.

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    obammy not the problem. the problem is the selfish self-centered idiots who gave him the oval office.

    they put their own needs and wants ahead of what's good for the country.

    November 7, 2012 4:22 PM


  15. 3:57 - Self made man? really? He borrowed money to buy companies, fire the workers, strip the parts and sell them at a profit while scurrying away to the next business to destroy. For every "success" story like Staples, there's a K&B Toys that COULD have been saved, but it was easier to strip for assets, fire the workers and take his profit.

    Self made man my butt. He borrowed money to shatter the dreams of tens of thousands of hard-working Americans for almost 20 years.

    1. And how is that worse than the millions given to all the businesses that went belly up. And all the financial companies that took all the investor s money and put it in their pockets

  16. That 47% needs to be eliminated from society they have proved themselves unworthy and are burden society.

  17. Why are we even talking about this loser. He lost the presidential race. Can we know just move along. Move forward. By the way, that statement he made killed his chances.

    November 7, 2012 5:38 PM

    That 'loser' has lost more money than you will ever see, let alone make.

    That loser ran for president. What have you ran for? The bus?

  18. I hope everyone that voted for Obama gets what they've got coming to them. They deserve no less!!

    November 7, 2012 5:39 PM

    Oh they will. Sad part is they are dragging us down with them.

  19. And this thinking is why it will be a long time before a republican becomes president. Republican Party must change. Step 1. Tell Limbaugh to go to hell

  20. What is it that is so hard to understand (at least, for obama supporters) about 20 TRILLION (read that again) of debt?! We can NEVER pay that back. Ever. THAt is an undisputed fact. The whole world knows it, too. Except obama supporters. AND we will soon be unable to even pay the interest - just the interest! - on the debt. What do you people think is going to happen? The world is just going to say "Okay, ya got us. We'll just write it all off and be friends."?? This, you non-thinking dummies, is the stuff of social unrest on a huge scale. The stuff of war and revolution. And, it cannot be stopped now. We have gone too far. There is NO solution that won't cause pain (a LOT of it) throughout society, but mostly on the poor and middle class. What, historically, has the poor and middle-class done when made to choose between servility and food? They TAKE what they need. Think about THAT on a national scale. If you aren't getting ready
    for that you are wasting valuable time.

  21. The idiots gloat now but when the money runs out we'll see who s crying then

  22. obama didn't get a mandate. nation is split. a divided nation cannot stand. such a shame. rush said it best today. "you can't win against santa". those of you who are living off the wages of others because you don't work or you like receiving freebies; don't get used to it because it will come to a screeching halt in due time.

    by the way; to you clueless on those who receive social security, we paid income taxes on all we earned and we continue to pay income taxes on our social security. double taxed; how's that for fair??? wait until you have to live this way. it's not fun, but our age group will make it because we don't sit back and do nothing unless we can't mentally or physically do anything. most of us are still doing what we can to support our income in any way we can. get it???

    1. Social Security was never supposed to be a retirement pension. There is something called SAVINGS. If times were so good back then you should haved put money aside. Why should I have to pay for your retirement? Thanks to good old GWB I'll never see Social Security. Stop blaming Obama for the mess we are in.

  23. Don't u guys see thats why he lost. You people are minions follow the old white guy...look where it got you. Four more years of complaining about my President Barack Hussein Obama..get over it already. Go do something.

  24. 8:11 PM

    If you don't like it, no one asked you to come here. YOU go do something.

    Go clean ur crack pipe.

    1. AGAIN, I wish all the writer of these racist comments would stop hiding behind the sheets of anonymity and publish their names but.... You're too coward!!


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