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Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Question 7

Let’s be clear.

·        The Republican Party has NOT taken a position FOR Question 7 expanding gambling in Maryland. 

·        The majority of Republican legislators voted AGAINST the bill and the State Party has taken no position, leaving it to the Central Committees in each county to take a position. 

·        So make up your mind, based on the merits of the issue as you see them.


  1. Big NO
    just another way for government to extort citizens and grabb the money and use it how it suits them.

  2. I understand the stigma related to casinos and gambling, but I fail to see how generating money for the state is a bad thing.

    Voting yes.

  3. Even the Comptroller says there will be no more money going to education from this bill! And he's a Democrat!
    Vote No to question 7.

  4. People who gamble will gamble regardless of where the casinos are. I think we would have a better chance of benefiting from employment and tax revenue if they were in Maryland versus going out of state to gamble. Not sure why we wouldn't want that........

  5. Will vote yes, the jobs and income for the state are beneficial. Keep MD money in MD.

  6. 11:24 You are right plus the construction jobs and casino workers.

  7. Just got a flyer in the mail saying the MD republican party is for Q7 showing names and pictures including Micheal Steele. I'm so confused.....

  8. They are worried about gambling money leaving the state (to WV). What about all the tax money they are losing to DE from alcohol, tobacco, and other sales?

  9. 11:52 Why not just make up your own mind instead of letting others tell you how you should vote?

  10. 11:52 : I received the same mailer so, yes, the republican party has taken a position FOR question 7 (which was the point of the post.)
    12:52: 11:52 never said he was letting others tell him how to vote, he just said he received a mailer that contradicts the original post.

  11. I don't care how people gamble. We have gambling in this state already. As far as the revenue this would generate, the state is going to spend money regardless of this, my thinking is if they take more from those people gambling then perhaps my taxes will stay the same (we're in Maryland they never go down).

  12. gambling preys on those who can least afford it. gambling invites crime; so we need more law enforcement (tax dollars). money spent on gambling takes away from local businesses and certainly the welfare of the family. gambling can be addictive; so now we need counselors to help with that (more tax dollars). finally the state and lawmakers lie because the revenue will NOT go for the intended purpose. look at history regarding this and other issues.

    don't fall for this lie; vote NO

  13. I work for the school system and I voted no! Education would never see the money anyway.

  14. I voted NO!!! It took a bit of reading up on both sides of it and I just went with my gut feeling. People are always trying to make things seem more than what they really are.

  15. 3:06, Coincidentally, I found an old news article from 2004, saying how the Democrats were against expanding gambling in MD because of exactly what you said. Double Standard...I voted NO.


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