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Saturday, November 10, 2012

"Pure Democracy Is Dangerous"... When It's Purchased

From an outright libertarian, the headline seems contrary; but Ron Paul's affirmation that "pure democracy is dangerous" critically confirms what Romney accidentally admitted: that enabling the majority to dictate the minority is a problem when the majority are receiving a [government] check. Bloomberg TV's Betty Liu looks a little shocked when the thoughtful Paul confirms bluntly that the reelection of Obama is driven simply by 'the people' being on the 'receiving end' of government benefits and that the US is "so far gone; we're over the cliff already." From Boehner and the lack of credibility in Washington to GOP's 'acceptance' of higher taxes and why he quit Congress, Ron Paul succinctly reminds many of the true state of the union in which we live...



  1. We are a state in crisis. At least the makers are aware of it and will take precautions when needed, action when necessary.
    Sadly, the takers will have a rude awakening and I don't. Mean to sound cold hearted but when there is nothing left then there will be nothing for them.

  2. I find it hilarious how on the one hand republicans scream about gov. checks, then reach into the mailbox with the other hand for that ss,medicare, or ue check every month.

  3. anonymous 2:01, You want to call these hand outs? We paid into ALL of it. I feel sorry for your parents and teaches who educated you liberals.

  4. We have yet to pay a dime into the medicare drug program. Every prescription adds to the deficit.

  5. Thanks for smacking the moron down Joe!

  6. Agreed. Thanks joe. I worked for the state for more than 30years. We weren't offered 401's nor any kind of matching funds for investment. After years of furloghs, 0 cola,etc. I retired. Socialsecurity was mandated to be taken from my check so now you bet your a.. I want my check. Same with my retirement. It ain't,t much but I earned it. And yes I believe the system needs reform.

  7. The whole problem comes down to funding. Of which there ain't any. From the federal level down to local, pensions and health benefits are becoming impossible to pay. If there isn't enough money, it doesn't matter AT ALL what you "paid into the sytem". They have already spent that money. The government HAS and WILL tell you "sorry", you are on your own -- sue us (LOL). You get nothing. Thats scary. Thats also just how it is, more and more every day.


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