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Wednesday, November 07, 2012



• Rick Meehan 2,238 votes
Nick Campagnoli 629

• Dennis Dare 1,952
• Mary Knight 1,853
• Joe Mitrecic 1,778
• Doug Cymek 1,680
Jim Hall 929
Bob Baker 842
Joe Hall 806
Sean Rox 533
John ‘Frank’ Adkins 314
Philip Sayan 304

For 931
Against: 1,723


  1. Copied this from another post but it is my feelings also.

    "Your definiton of class is different than mine 10:55.
    I was more than disappointed in the lack of civility surrounding the Ocean city elections. While walking out of the center after voting yesterday we saw signs urging people to NOT vote for someone. I told my husband and friend that is exactly why I could never run for office. In order to get elected anymore you have to lower yourself and engage in demonizing your opponent. It was disappointing to see the mayor and the 4 who won allowing this to occur. If I were one of them I would have never allowed this. This is why most people will not run anymore. Only a few people are willing to lower themselves to the level the winners did yesterday in Ocean City. Anymore to expect civility and refinement out of people is too much to ask. People don't mind seeming less than desirable in the eyes of society. I can not imagine the hate these people can have in their hearts.
    Even though I am on a different side than Sen Jim Mathias he ran a campaign that was noteworthy for it's civility as did Michael James 2 yrs ago. These men are the definition of class and the new OC council could learn alot from both of them."

  2. My friend in OC was so upset when these characters won last night. They said this group acts so unprofessional-they walk out on people and insult fellow councilmembers at meetings.
    I could only say that it sounds just like the dysfunctional ones on the Sby council.
    It seems as it's gotten to the point where dysfunction is the gene people have to be born with who aspire to politics because if you do act civil and polite and like you do have some upbringing you won't get elected.

  3. Hall and Hall didnt lose, they beat themselves! Lets hope the "boys club" we have now, will bury the ax and just do whats right. Taxpayers, you got what you voted for, pro union candidates.

  4. The only good thing is the union got STOMPTED! Take your butts back to work, or leave! Bunch of highly overpaid cry babies! next out, FOP and firefighters!

  5. These are the same ones, Dare, Metricic, and Meehan, that allowed the payroll to DOUBLE!, didnt anyone see all the previous posts? God help us! Jim and Joe were fools, voters should have brought someone else on board. One more thing, everyone must live with this bunch for 4 YEARS!

  6. 4:34 RIGHT ON! Hope they see the message. Everyone is so tired of the sub par worthless attitudes of "more, more, more"!

    Ocean City Voter, for 61 years!

  7. It was the FOP who had those signs my friend told me. I can not believe how disrepectful they are.
    I could never stand in public with a sign telling people who NOT to vote for. Hold signs of those you support is the thing to do.

  8. Anonymous said...
    The only good thing is the union got STOMPTED! Take your butts back to work, or leave! Bunch of highly overpaid cry babies! next out, FOP and firefighters!

    November 7, 2012 4:34 PM

    Good call. Get rid of those overpaid employees.

  9. In regards to the Jim Mathias/Michael James senate election- the "other" SBY blog was told in no uncertain terms to knock off the "dirty politics" because neither side was interested in stooping so low into the gutter as to allow his type of negative "campaigning" to go on. How do I know? Because I told him myself.
    It's amazing that not one of the 5 candidates didn't say something. As a female I am especially disturbed at Knight. I could never have sat back and not said something not only publically but loudly at the behavior of your supporters. It does speak volumes about the winner's lack of character.

  10. Yes, the FOP, "for our pockets", was there in force. Hello??????? anybody home?

  11. Jimmy spent 25 some years on the council, however once he made president, his lack of leadership was evident. That, along with his apathy sunk him. Joe, poor guy has a great heart, and not really far off ideas, just doesnt convey it well. Brighter days ahead, as long as the "new majority" keeps thier feet on the ground. Let's see if dennis is really has any character?

  12. So what all you OC people are saying is that the winners whored and pimped themselves out to outside special interest in order to secure their seats?
    I say to those who lost-it's okay. You are better people. It's one thing to embarrass yourself but you all thought of your families and choose to not tarnish your name by engaging in dirty politics. You can hold your head high knowing you did not sell your souls to the devil in exchange for the "honor" of having a seat on the council. Anytime you get a union involved unless you do have the good breeding to speak up things do tend to get ugly and out of hand.

  13. It was the FOP. I just now went to light my fireplace and I'm using old mail to start it and there it was, a postcard. It's says "NO HALLS, NO WAY!"
    The bottom says it was paid for by the FOP in OC and Glen MCIntyre,Pres.

  14. 5:58, I prefer the Halls. I have great respect for elected officials like them, who watch how the tax payers money is spent. I think the 4 who were elected have a it's not my money so let's spend it attitude. I personally looked these candidates up on Md land records and was amazed to see how irresponsibly they are. Financing and refinancing unbelievable. Their track records with their own finances speaks volumes and they should not be handling the tax payers money. I think they want to appear "rich" when if fact they aren't and are living on borrowed money-the typical American way.

  15. I agree 6:28. Now it is what it is and we have to tolerate these "winners" (really losers) but we do not have to respect them. They deserve the same respect they gave to their fellow challengers and also to the public who was so rudely silenced by these "winners" (really losers) and their supporters. They as well as the FOP and their other supporters need to realize we will not tolerate gutter politics silently.
    If they can't be man or lady enough to stand up to gutter politics and incivility we will call them out on it.

  16. It wasn't the FOP behaving badly it was that Facebook group. It's called Citizens-for OceanCity and is headed by a mean spirited man named Joe Groves. One thing to remember including those elected none are from Ocean City. They are all "come here's" and that's why they act the way they do. I think alot are from Baltimore and no offense to alot of Baltimore people but this is the way alot of them act-rude. I miss the old days of Granville and Fish-gentleman.

  17. You IDIOTS it was Dennis Dare who gave all the city employees their atrocious double salaries. Now you vote him in office to rape you again.

  18. The bottom line is the Hall's are out and the F.O.P. is in. So suck on that for another four years. The citizens voted for the collective bargaining. It is what it is. There are alot of cry babies here that obviously voted for Ohblaablaa. It was not an earth quake in Quatemala is was the sound of good Americans running out of this sh** whole we call the state of Maryland. Yes to gay marriage, Yes to gambling, Yes to another four years of total b.s. and all you want to do is cry about the fire and e.m.s. W>T>F people wake up rome is burning the cops and firemen may be all we have later when the other shoe drops. This country is in real trouble. Lets fix the big issues first. Then we can cry about something we actually voted in.

    I stay out od O.C. anyway it has become a thug haven in the summer months. Its give Salisbury a little break

  19. Organizations such as the FOP are representative of the exact ideologies of the Obamanites,
    9:56. Not sure where you are coming from. Those idealogies include having a compelling need to be propped up as opposed to personal responsibility and feeling you can't do something on your own with help and also the welfare/entitlement "I deserve and am entitled to something" idealogy.

  20. I think OC has a bit of an ethical dilemma going on. The most serious and important issue a city council deals with is what's called the "fiduciary duty." This duty is to the tax payers-period. So regardless of whether someone is resident or not as long as they own property and pay taxes on it the councils foremost duty is to them. It does not matter if the tax payer is a voter/resident or not.
    The question of ethics comes in when an organization of employees such as the FOP endorses in an attempt to stack the majority into their favor and the candidates allow that.
    Non voter/non resident, property owners who spoke in favor of the other candidates were ridiculed and were told in no uncertain terms to mind their own business. I found that quite amusing as the old saying "it's best to keep quiet and let everyone just think you are a fool than to say something and prove it" came to mind, because again the fiduciary duty is the most important not whether someone is a voter/resident.
    What is not amusing is that not one of these now winners had not only the backbone, but the ethics and the honesty to say the tax payers have a voice.
    Some say in politics the end justifies the means when explaining this crossover to dishonesty and unethical behavior.
    Your are either honest and ethical or you are not. Someone is predisposed to this character trait or perhaps flaw is the correct term. This council now more than ever needs to be watched. They have proven they have no problem crossing the line into dishonesty and lack of ethics.

  21. To clarify, the Union vote was a "No," so that won't be an issue. In regards to the Halls yes they did it to themselves. Jim Hall was on the council 25 years and did some great things for the town. But he was not a good Council President and he ran a bad campaign full of negative campaigning against his running mates that had information that wasn't true. Plus his teaming up as the leader of the self proclaimed "Majority" was what did him in. It's a shame because I always liked him a Councilman until the last few years. The new group that is coming in is good for the town. Dennis Dare was a great city manager and Joe Mitrecic was a good Council President before. Hopefully the negativity will stop in OC.

  22. OMG 10:11 You have got to be kidding! The negative hateful campaigning was from M, D, K, M and C and the FOP and The Citizens For Ocean City FB group both of which organizations endorsed the winners. In the Dispatch there is even one of the FOP members telling a letter writer to shut up. For not one of the winners to speak up against this ridicule shows their bad character. If anyone did happen to present false political info then point it out but do it in a respectable professional way and don't allow your peanut gallery to ridicule people. Someone the winners were really losers and I agree. Losers in every respect. Losers professionally losers as role models and losers as a member of a family because only losers do not speak up against incivility. They are teaching not only their own children but other children and young people that it is okay to be hateful as long as yes the ends justifies the means.

  23. This new group is good for the town, 10:11? Again one of those better off to keep you mouth shut moments. 2 members of this new group tossed aside their professional duties as council members in favor of their personal feeling and refused to give someone the time of day when considering a city manager. That cannot be in anyway shape or form constued as being good for the town, can it? When someone proves they haven't enough self control of their personal feelings to put them aside in sake of their elected duties they are corrupted, are they not?
    Mr Adkins deserved respect from them, did he not, and they blew him off like he was dirt,didn't they? All these little things taken together in totality reek of some serious character flaws, doesn't it?

  24. I just read the DT's article and these people are hughly unethical. I know I read somewhere that the OCPD was soon to start contract negotiations and in the DT's article the mayor says the group ran as a "de facto block" supported by the PD. For any candidate to even give the public the perception that they are in bed with much less allow the FOP to campaign when they are due for contract negotiations is so the definition of unethical.


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