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Monday, November 05, 2012

New York Daily News Joins Growing Number Of Newspapers Switching Endorsement To Romney

One of New York’s most influential and traditionally Democratic media organizations pulled a stunner Sunday when it reversed its 2008 endorsement of Barack Obama to join the New York Post in endorsing Mitt Romney.

“Four years ago, the Daily News endorsed Obama, seeing a historic figure whose intelligence, political skills and empathy with common folk positioned him to build on the small practical experience he would bring to the world’s toughest job,” the endorsement in part states. “We valued Obama’s pledge to govern with bold pragmatism and bipartisanship. The hopes of those days went unfulfilled.”



  1. You cannot endorse Obama and then expect to remain credible or hold on the what little credibility you may have is the bottom line.

  2. Joe you should keep this news at the top of your site TODAY and TOMORROW, this is a HUGE story.

  3. What's funny is the Happy Larry's running the show over there at the DT's won't endorse anyone.
    What an assinine decision. The DT's staff is putting their personal feelings in front of what is best for not only the country but also their newspaper.
    You can bet all these liberal rags that have endorsed Romney are going to see a surge in subscriptions like never seen before esp if Romney wins.
    Gannet needs to hire editors that are ahead of the curve.


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