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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Maryland Independence Cards

Hi Joe
I have to tell you about an experience I had today.  My wife and I went into the Twilley Centre - Dollar General - today to retrieve some paper towels, chips, and chocolate covered cherries.  We retrieved our goods and proceeded to the cashier to check out and were standing in line behind a girl that had a full cart of groceries.  The girl in front of us - here groceries totaled $91.42.  The cashier asked her how she wanted to pay for it and the girl submitted a bright orange Independence Card.  The cashier ran it through and said that she owed an additional $41.62.  So the girl reached into her pocketbook and pulled out a second Independence Card.  The cashier ran it through and then began to bag her goods.  
So I was next in line and since I had only a couple of items I paid in cash and was in and out of there in seconds.  Now get this - while my wife and I went out into the parking lot - guess what this young girl was driving.  She was driving a late model black Mercedes Benz equipped with shiny mag thin wheel rims and low profile tires.
The above incident is not just an anomaly - because it but seems as though no matter where I go into a grocery store in and around Salisbury, it is inundated with patrons who sport bright orange Indepedence Cards.  It seems as though it is now a standard operating procedure for the vast majority of Americans.
Good God - what has happened to our Country.  Forgive me for saying this - but I truly believe that it does not pay to work anymore. 


  1. And it's only going to get worse. They should call them dependence cards. I witness these things all the time where they buy items far more expensive than I and I work for a living.

  2. Don't fault the participant in a flawed system; discern and rebuke the system which allows or encourages the behavior that has provoked your displeasure... or Don't Hate The Playa/Hate The Game

  3. Welcome to Obama's world..

  4. Probably had (or claimed) a few illigitimate kids. That's where the "big" money is.

  5. Yep and it is all condoned by the liberals. This kind of stuff makes my blood boil!

  6. What happened to the days when you could go to the grocery store and buy your groceries without inspector gadget starring at every move you make????? This country has gotten to the point where everyone is more concerned about others than themselves. If a african american male walks in and pulls 1000$ out to pay for his and goes outside and gets in his mercedez benze you label him as a drug dealer. Its a sad world we live in

  7. I was in Walgreens not to long ago and experienced a similar situation. The girl in front of me was getting "cash back" from her Independence Card. I was in disbelief! I believe the card should be termed "Dependence" card.

  8. That story just makes me feel sick. I work 40+ hours a week and budget like crazy and still barely scrape by. Christmas at my house for my 7/o daughter is going to be light but at least I know we have the love of each other. I drive a car that currently has no heat. I can live with the satisfaction however that I am not MOOCHING off the system. I am glad that I had the opportunity to pay for her groceries or Mercedes.

  9. Don't blame someone for taking advantage of a flawed system? Are you kidding me??? What happened to HONOR, SELF RESPECT, and HONESTY?????? Disgusting.

  10. I never did like those wheel rims. Do you think I should replace them with something different? I would like to improve the ride.

  11. Anonymous 10:40
    Inspector gadget? Really? We pay for the card why not look at how our money is being spent...And yes I would label and African American or anyone else pulling out 1000$ as strange in this day and time..Hard working honest people don't have that kind of cash to just pull out and spend.

    1. I disagree somewhat with your statement "hard working people don't have that kind of cash to spend." My husband and I both work hard for everything we have. Everything we have we paid for in cash. We don't use credit to buy our food or other necessities. We save for what we want and pay for it when we've saved what is needed to make the purchase. You wouldn't believe the looks we get when we pull out a wad of cash to pay for big ticket items. It's almost as if we were dirt under their feet because we didn't use a credit card.

  12. Ladies and gentlemen. I am 58 years old. This has been going on for decades. I agree with the majority of the comments here to some degree. The one that makes ME upset is when someone says "welcome to Obama's world". This practice has been going on since the inception of the program regardless of whether the president was a Republican or Democrat. I think that most people agree that this is huge problem. The question is, can we get it fixed. Abuse is a major problem. Let's fix it. Our Congressman are our first line of defense. Start there and move on to the next level. Quit whining and let's get it fixed. It didn't start yesterday and it certainly won't end tomorrow. We need to START on getting it fixed.

  13. star kist I card tunaNovember 25, 2012 at 11:42 AM

    get this ppl! i was in a grocery line recently when a #1 female had a cart full of groceries and had the orange I card and slapped her down over $150 dollars of groceries but said her canned cat food was declined by her orange I card and she owed 6 bucks and some change.so what did she do! she took the canned cat food back and picked up 5 cans of tuna fish and the ORANGE i card was glad to accept that. made me feel how great a country we live in now. i wonder if all ORANGE i card cats eat tuna on the 53% dime.i say h#$$ just get salmon and trout from the deli for the cats.i would much rather feed them than the owners of the animals. the 4 legged ones are a much better animal than the 2 legged one.

  14. At least the people using cash are spending within their means & not charging it on their credit cards. But just how is that girl paying for her Mercedes? Are they now giving out car loan credit on pricy foreign sports cars to Independence card users?

  15. Wow. She was buying GROCERIES with her Independence card?? And maybe picking up groceries for someone else in the family. And she got into a late model Mercedes? Wow. What should she have been buying with her card? What kind of car would it be OK for her to drive?

  16. >>>This country has gotten to the point where everyone is more concerned about others than themselves<<<

    Buy a clue, 10:40. The money she is spending was confiscated from ME. This woman can afford a lifestyle that I can't, because she is spending other people's money. So, it is my business.

  17. "The one that makes ME upset is when someone says "welcome to Obama's world".

    Well, YOU are just going to have to be upset. Obama openly courted these people and made it plain that he was buying their votes with other people's money. If you voted for the Kenyan, you voted for this crap. YOU own it.

  18. If you have more than two young and less than five children under 18 and work for an income of $40,000.00 or less you are missing what appears to be the gravy train. The system is a far better, tax free hook up that will allow you every day = VACATION! Why bother get you some Obama money it's only going to get better! If you have over the magic number of 4 dependent children simply farm them out to a relative and get them to give you the money as it flows from the throne!

  19. I wonder how many rings, bracelets, gold teeth and tattoos she had.

  20. Oh for crap sake---these "hand outs" have been going on For Years!!!!
    Soo---Lets demand the Goverment fix the problem they created.

    Anyone old enough to "produce children" --Give them Free Birth Control----If they get pregnant---it's their fault & their expense! Sure is cheaper then taxpayers paying for a child till they are 18 yrs old!
    This problem has got to stop & should be addressed by every tax paying citizen out there to their Representatives---telling them to Move FW with an answer.

    Our Country is sinking for Gods Sake & they want to cut Seniors Medicare benefits & other much needed programs! Just put a stop to supporting "hoards" of children & & aiding foreign countries !---That should solve over 3/4 of the debt!

  21. This is the real world so get used to it. And guess who is paying for it -- suckers like you and me. We were raised to grow up and get a job and pay your bills. Not everyone believes in that. They will never cut back on those programs; they will only grow because it pays to have kids these days. The system pays women to get pregnant so why work when you can lay around and watch TV all day while some poor souls go out and work. But remember, those workers are slowly retiring and there's not enough behind us to take up the slack.

  22. Now we know why unemployment is so high. Where else in the free world can you get laid off, collect almost two years of unemployment, get an Independence Card for free food and cash, qualify for free cell phone service.

    As I have been saying all along - there is now more incentive to not find a job as there is to actually work. Obama's concept is destroying our Country and we are going down fast. It seems as though every time I visit a supermarket anymore that there is nearly always someone in front of me who wields out an Independence card.

  23. I truly believe this happening virtually everywhere all across america. America - once the land of the free and home of the brave is now a 3rd rate, low class, cesspool. When will people come to realize that it is the intent of our government to have its citizenry become a welfare state.

    I am afraid that it is to late - we are already a full blown welfare state.

  24. I have seen people using them at Fat Boys crabs on more than one occasion.

    In fact, they are quite brash about it as on their front sign they sport 'We Accept Welfare Cards'.

    Something seems very wrong about all of this.

  25. To all of you who have taken the side of the independence card abusers it is obvious to me that you are probably an abuser too. To blame it on the system and not the person is just a copout. I personally could probably qualify, but I'm the user-type and I have personal integrity which is worth all the independence cards in the world. As far as what she was driving, it is illogical for a person that needs 2 cards to be able to afford a Mercedes. Just the repairs and car parts for a Mercedes are alot more expensive than an average car. It seems that the users would expect us poor hardworking individuals to just love them all the way to the independence card line...all the while our families suffer because of the financial hole that the users create. What is so pitiful is that most independence card abusers think the money miraculously falls out of the sky and lands in their mailbox. I would love to figure out a way to catch them all and send them to jail for fraud. This is a broken system and you all will eventually get yours for taking the lazy way out. To the few who really need help because you have a disability or your house burned down, I apologize for my generalized opinion, but mostly the system is full of lazy, lazy non-contributors.

  26. I think I will just quite my job, apply for a government card, and start cardboarding on the street corner.

    In the end, I am sure I would be better off financially than I am now.
    Equipped with an independence card, free cell phone, section 8 housing, I could divert most of my time to cardboarding for additional cash.

    Anyone recognise our new society it's called OBAMAISM.

  27. saw a lady checking out at walmart once pull out a stack of independence cards rubberbanded together... literally, an entire STACK. had to be 30 or so. the cashier didn't even flinch.

  28. Romney was correct when he said that the folks getting the Obama handouts is what reelected him. Conservatives are stupid because they don't even want to admit it. It's time for a third party.

  29. Unfortunately because of a chronic illness,we have to use food benefits but I can honestly say before I was in my forties I never used them or knew what they were.We NEVER let others use it,nor do we "sell" it.We are grateful for every little bit of help we get and you better believe every time I make an extra dollar they penalize me for it.I also do not have a smart phone,or flashy clothing or drive an expensive car,and I worked all my life until I got sick so I feel no guilt.Not all of us who use them are bums,believe me.I hate when I see some tramp with a $50 manicure and Coach purse whip a card out,or worse,someone "selling" their card outside a store.If you can spend $500 plus on a damn PURSE you can feed your own kids.Same for the expensive cars with rims.I see people with no jobs driving nice cars,guess welfare workers never check into that.Yet if I forget to turn in a pay stub,they want to penalize me.Don't get me started.

    And it is quite illegal for this woman to have TWO cards.She very likely "bought" them from a friend or relative.They even sell these cards to people on the web and no one will do a thing about it.

  30. Ok so i work 40 plus hrs a week have a 2 uear old of my own and helping raise a 5 year old that is not mine biologically and am on the Orange card. I pay taxes every week and cant afford to get by because of the cost of living so 90%i of you are saying let ny kids starve because and wages and cost arent adding up. Im lost. No diff then helpimg people in crisfield over a storm we coildnt control. Thats our tax money to.

  31. Don't fault the participant in a flawed system; discern and rebuke the system which allows or encourages the behavior that has provoked your displeasure... or Don't Hate The Playa / Hate The Game

  32. We have become a hand out society with the expectation that we deserve it rather earn it. If we can cheat the system then we will.

  33. Nov 25 2012 8:24pm
    No one said let your kid starve. If you decide to have a kid, then you figure out a way to provide food, it's not the tax payers obligation to feed your family and their own. Your insane comparing people hit by a storm to your dependence on food stamps.

  34. I was in the Fruitland Walmart a while back. A very pretty blonde woman with two small children in tow were in line in front of me. They were very unruly. She turned and cussed a blue streak at them to settle down. She then proceded too pay for close to $200.00 worth of groceries which she payed for with said orange card. As she was leaving, her"boyfriend", a very thuggish looking black guy hurried up to catch her. I followed them outside only to see them get into a brand new BMW, still had temporary tags. Made my blood boil ! I work my ass off 6 and 7 days a week and can still only afford to drive a 1998 Explorer.

  35. If you can't feed them...don't breed them.

  36. I've had people come up to me in a grocery store and ask if I was paying with cash. They wanted me to let them pay for my food with their card and give them my hard earned money. It didn't happen and it will never happen.


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