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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Man Stuck Without Power During Hurricane Sandy MacGyvers His Prius To Provide Power

Many people who lost power on the East Coast during Hurricane Sandy were lucky enough to have access to electric generators. But for those who weren’t so fortunate, it was either remain in the dark or, in the case of one MacGyver of a man, figure out how to power your home using a hybrid car.

Bob lives in Paramus and had bought the Toyota Prius Hybrid last June to save on gas, reports NBC 4 New York. For a week after the storm, he was able to power some lights and electronics chargers with the aid of a few heavy-duty extension cords and a 100-watt power inverter plugged into his car’s lighter outlet. Once he figured that out, he upgraded to a 300-watt inverter to power his entire home — all on three-quarters of a tank of gas.


  1. 300 watt inverter to power his entire home? It must have a been the size of a closet! A toaster uses approx. 800 watts.

  2. Lets see,a $50,000 Prius vs a $750 generator.This guy is a genius with devices, but not with money.

  3. Big deal. *ANY* car, not just a Prius, can do the same thing with an inverter. So can a motorcycle.


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