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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Jackson: Black Voters Deserve A Return On Election ‘Investment’

The Rev. Jesse Jackson on Saturday said that President Obama’s reelection was “a great victory,” but that it would be incomplete with a reconstruction of urban America and an investment in the communities where the blacks who voted overwhelmingly for the president live.
“We’re happy and full of pride,” in the president’s reelection, Jackson told the crowd at the Saturday morning forum at Rainbow/PUSH headquarters, 930 E. 50th St., “but our houses remain raggedy … our schools remain closed.”
Despite attempts at voter suppression in states such as Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida, Jackson said, blacks turned out en masse to vote, enduring waits that stretched into hours in many places. “We waited, we voted, we believed,” Jackson said. “Now we want to get well.


  1. Is it possible to have Jessie Jackson removed from the media windows? I haven't listened to his ramblings for over a decade. We as Americans want a payback for all of us. One Nation remember not divided by anything One Nation that needs to go forward realistically

  2. "our houses remain raggedy...our schools remain closed." uh, has anybody ever told this man that nothing in life is free - even freedom isn't free.

    Get your lazy arse out there and work. THAT's the good ole american way.

    Geeesh, return on their election vote? Give me a break. The only return they will see is more poverty.

  3. Yes they do. CUT benefits like the Obama regime has done in Ohio. That is so funny to say! They got there payback already!
    Mandatory Welfare corp. A civilian training and work organization. Let them pay there own way and clean up after themselves for a change.

  4. Jesse, you are already well. You have racial equality and everybody is on board with it. what part of this are you missing? We all voted. no one was disallowed from the process. STFU.

  5. Why does anybody give this a$$ the time of day?

    He is part of the problem; not in any way part of the solution.

  6. Jesse, did you not notice that the "houses remain raggedy" folks were the ones with the Obama signs in the yard, and the homeowner/ working folks were the ones with Other Candidate signs in the yards? Poverty won. You won poverty, so STFU.

    We do not vote for poverty and rentership.

  7. what he is saying is ok they got obummer reelected now we want more free stuff for us lazy blacks so we don't have to work. we can live off of the tax paying people and get more iced tea and skittles.

  8. Hey, they got what they wanted. They think their homes are in bad shape now? Wonder if they will even be livable in four years. They be getting what they voted for!

  9. This is the mindset of the obama voters. They think an election is an investment. They have nothing except what the government hands over to them. That's their idea of an investment.

  10. Remember Jesse he's half white and was backed by mostly rich white liberals.

  11. He has a point. The Democrats assume the minority vote is theirs regardless of their actions after the election and the voters are starting to notice the lack of follow through.


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