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Tuesday, November 06, 2012

It's Going To Be One Incredibly Tight Finish

I don't care what anyone says, this is a remarkable race. The American voters have already proven they're not satisfied with President Obama.

This race should have been won by this President with outrageous numbers. Instead. Mitt Romney is running neck and neck with Obama and in my honest opinion it has all come down to entitlements and campaign money.

I have to really tip my hat to Romney and I hope he pulls it off. Ohio and Florida seem to be the deciding factor, at least in popular votes anyway.

Sit tight Folks, this is just too close to call.


  1. R.I.P. personal responsability 11/6/2012.

  2. really....???? too close to call romney never had a chance!!! he didnt even get the popular vote and the republican party has failed once again...they got blown out...the american people dont want some slicked up used car salesman(romney) Had Christie had run he would have won hands down.


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