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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Immigrants’ Dilemma in America

If America were to open its borders without restrictions, more than half the world population would be here. It is the American capitalist system that is still a dream come true to many who are more than happy to leave their stagnant, dysfunctional economies, burdened with class envy and re-distribution of “pennies” through government bureaucrats and red tape. Many immigrants were more than happy to trade their substandard government-run health insurance for life in America where hard work is rewarded with the best standard of living on the face of the earth.

As a young woman, I accomplished my dream of moving to America in November of 1978. Even though I had a good job as a journalist, a well-to-do family and connections to some movers and shakers in the Egyptian government, I could never have been financially independent, buy a car or rent an apartment on my own without family help. America was my outlet to freedom, economic self-reliance and escape from being surrounded by misery, injustice and poverty. I knew that if I worked hard in America I would achieve success, and I did.

It is hard to explain to Americans born and raised in this country how happy it felt to enjoy the simple things that Americans take for granted. The satisfaction I had after I looked at my check after a hard day’s work, how I enjoyed the ease of getting and decorating my beautiful apartment, buying a car on my own and dreaming of a bright future I knew I could achieve. How easy it is in America to do business, drive around, buy and sell whatever one needs without having to bribe, beg or threaten a lazy government worker who could care less. Americans rarely hear about life on the outside and the daily difficulties people around the world have to endure for things Americans take for granted.



  1. The same White college single mom people that voted for Obam will be kicking themselves 20 yrs from now when they are the minorities in the USA and WILL be the first one crying about it...IDIOTS.

  2. And we're becoming more and more like the communist societies of Europe that stifle their citizens' freedom. The lies of Obama during his campaigning are already being revealed. Just look at unbiased news sources and watch what happens in the months ahead.

  3. We're all immigrants in one way or the other.Few of us can exclude Europe,Asia or Africa from our lineage.There were actually 2 points of US entry.Ellis Island was one & I think the other was in the San Francisco bay.Point being that the US has always been THE most attractive destination on earth.The current trend is not new.


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