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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

How the New York Times Covers Evil

The way in which the New York Times reports good vs. evil is one of the most important stories of our time.

Take the war between Israel and Hamas that is taking place right now.

This war is as morally clear as wars get. Hamas is a terrorist organization dedicated to annihilating the Jewish state. It runs a theocratic totalitarian state in Gaza, with no individual liberty and no freedom of speech or press. In a nutshell, Hamas is a violent, fascist organization. Israel, meanwhile, is one the world’s most humane states, not to mention a democracy that is so tolerant that Arab members of its parliament are free to express admiration for Hamas.

Over the past decade, Hamas had launched thousands of rockets into Israel with one aim: to kill and maim as many Israeli citizens as possible — Israelis at work, at play, asleep in their homes, in their cars. Finally, Israel responded by killing Ahmed al-Jabari, the chief organizer of Hamas violence, the Hamas “military commander” as he was known among Palestinians.

The next day, three more Israelis were killed by rockets.

Then Hamas targeted Tel Aviv, Israel’s most densely populated region, and Israel shelled Hamas rocket launching sites.

In other words, an evil entity made war on a peaceful, decent entity, and the latter responded.

How has the New York Times reported this?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it's soooo black and white. After all, it's not like there are thousands of young palestinian men who have seen innocent women and children killed by isreali weapons, funded by the US, while facing crippling economic conditions due to Isreali blockades that prevent them from gaining the employment needed to advance their status. And if there were, they would still have no reason to be pissed at the angel Jews.
    No Isreali is NOT Satan and yes terrorism is evil. But both sides have committed terror in the name of "freedom".


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