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Saturday, November 17, 2012


Today, the Democrats opened their playbook to page 213 – the section labeled “Racism and Sexism” – and read directly from it with regard to Ambassador Susan Rice. Rice has been under fire, justifiably, for lying to the American public on the Sunday after the murder of four Americans in Benghazi; President Obama has defended her in bizarre fashion, suggesting that she cannot be criticized because she is “an easy target” and was acting on his orders anyway.

Now, the Democrats of the House have decided that the real reason Americans are attacking Rice isn’t her incompetence, or her lying. It’s that she’s a woman, and she’s black.
Today, twelve female members of the House suggested that Rice was under scrutiny because she’s a black woman. “It is a shame that anytime something goes wrong, they pick on women and minorities,” said Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-OH), who will be taking over the Congressional Black Caucus. Fudge conveniently ignores that one of Rice’s main critics has been Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), who is female. She also ignores that President Obama is black, and that he has been criticized for his poor performance for years.


  1. Patraeus wouldn't lie for him.

  2. " She also ignores that President Obama is black, and that he has been criticized for his poor performance for years."

    Is he black or white?

    Democrats are such racist idiots!!

  3. Is this the point where we act surprised? This is their one and only means of political survival. But the American electorate is primarily composed of slack-jawed, numb headed, mouth breathers... who permit it to be effective. (yawn)

  4. just say NO to the race card. it's sure getting old. as is the gender card, the religion card and yadayadayada. enough already!!!

  5. First, I didn't realize she was black, nor do I care. Do they forget the other Rice, Condalisa? I don't care that she is female or black,I worry that she is truthful and intellegent.

  6. Our government must be the laughing stock of the world.... distracted by the never ending stack of race cards that are dealt at the first sign of real criticism. What a proud day it must be to be an African American... or whatever the politically correct term is this week.

  7. Not even going to waste the energy required to roll my eyes. Dems get off on the race/ gender card. It's the same tired game. Bring in Al and Jesse for an encore to the story. Always spices things up. It's like a really bad reality show that we're all forced to watch (and fund).

  8. He sounded like he was defending Rice but was more angered by questioning his administration in general if you ask me. He can't take the heat, he wanted it, and now he has it, and he doesn't know what to do with it.

    He is ultimately responcible for his whole administration, what they do and what they say is all on him if he appointed them, whether they are white, black green or orange.

    He refuses to be accountable for anything, much like his base.

  9. The racism rant is getting old. It's too the point where if both Rice and Obama are the best the blacks have to offer then no wonder their neighborhoods are in shambles. Their young men are killing each other in record numbers and other high crime rates. The illegitimate birth rate, high school drop out rate and on and on. If they would start worshipping and honoring decent blacks like Dr Ben Carson maybe their race wouldn't be such a mess.

  10. All this time I thought she was hispanic.



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