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Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Get Out And Vote

The polls have been open since 7am. 

Just a quick note to make sure you know your polling location: https://voterservices.elections.state.md.us/PollingPlaceSearch

Your vote today is critically important -- a lot of the ballot initiates will come down to just a few votes. 

The polls are open until 8PM. Please go vote and encourage your friends to as well.


  1. I voted at 7 A. M. and it took all of 35 minutes.

    It looked like a Romney crowd to me!

  2. A Romney crowd must have been on their way to work, the lazy bunch have all day, let's hope they take a nap and forget to vote.

  3. Romney-Ryan is who I voted for Fire Obama!

  4. The Romney crowd thinks you should only vote on election day. Short lines and easy today, where early voting was long and crowded. What does that tell you?

  5. I voted for Romney/Ryan today. Why should I have to do early voting 1222pM. It's my right. You sound like a real liberal!


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