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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Docs: Give Teens Emergency Contraception

The American Academy of Pediatrics is fighting back against teen pregnancy with revised recommendations on emergency contraception.

The organization is encouraging physicians to talk about medications like Plan B and Next Choice in their discussions with their adolescent patients - both boys and girls - on safe sex.

The United States has one of the highest rates of teen pregnancy among developed countries. Nearly 80% of teen pregnancies are unplanned, a result of contraception failure or nonuse, according to the AAP.



  1. Soooo the "talk" is about abstaining and the responsibilities resulting from not abstaining, then, after all that, the "walk" is to hand out, NO!, not CONDOMS, but the woops we did it and regret it pill, saying to the kids. "we know you're not going to listen to plan "A, so here's some plan b". Lovely message.

  2. 3:41

    Its not your body, who cares?

    Nothing is going to stop children from having sex. You know that you had sex young, so why cant your kids do the same? The answer is to provide them with contraceptives. Its much cheaper and much easier to do now, in 2012, than say 40 years ago. Even 10 years ago.


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