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Tuesday, November 06, 2012


In an earlier Post, 

We Start The Albero Family Young

Anonymous said...
Child abuse.
November 6, 2012 10:23 AM

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "We Start The Albero Family Young": 

Child abuse? Child abuse is aborting a child as it’s being born; child abuse is bringing a child in this world that you can’t afford and teaching it that it can never be bigger than the welfare check that you collect each month! Child abuse is telling your child that it can never succeed because there was oppression a century ago. Child abuse is never teaching your child to take responsibility for its actions, but to always blame someone else. Child abuse is enslaving your child to a system, instead of empowering it to all the opportunities that lie ahead.

This picture is not CHILD ABUSE, it is HOPE and ENLIGHTENMENT!

Karen Albero


  1. Someone just got spanked.

  2. Child abuse is strapping your new born child with over 50k in debt the day he or she is born!!!
    John Albero

  3. Child abuse is being messed up on drugs and leaving him to be raised by his grandparent.

  4. Child abuse is having a child rely on a Government to support them so that they do not have to work or provide for themselves.

  5. I'm with Karen Albero.

    Jill B.

  6. "child abuse"-Most likely coming from a "parent" whose child knows more about who is on american idol than who is running for president.
    It is never too early for a child to get involved in politics.

  7. I see there is yet another well informed Albero. You tell them Karen!

  8. by the way; reported yesterday, all people under 18 yrs. old will have a debt of at least $218,000. now that's child abuse...

  9. A hands on civic lesson is not child abuse. All children no matter the age should be active participants in US democracy.
    Child abuse is when a parent doesn't take an opportunity such as the day off from school on election day to teach a child the duties of citizens. Keeping a child ignorant of this is what is child abuse.

  10. Yes, not using today as a hands on civic lesson for a child is a sign of lazy parenting.
    Lazy Parenting = Child Abuse

  11. I wish there was an I Love This Post button on here!

  12. Great kids, great message. Teaching your children not to jump off a cliff, not to spend more than they can afford, not to depend on others for their very survival is a message that more should get. Abuse? How about just plain good parenting!

  13. This is a serious women. A post worthy of praise and anyone not agreeing with her is on another planet!

  14. I guess I'm the only one who took that comment of child abuse as a joke? Lighten up, folks.

  15. child abuse........4 more years with obama as president

  16. Listen Ya'll how do you think Joe go so smart to begin with? Having an awesome wife of course!

  17. chld abuse is all these lazy folks popping out babies like a bubblegum machine and you couldnt afford the first 1. then you go on to have child2 3 and 4 and dont know who da baby daddy is because you were to selfish to wait for a decent man that will take care of his children he fathered with you lazy bozos.then you mongrels expect us working folks to pay$$ for your selfish mess.have some of you baby making bumbs ever heard of you cant squeeze blood out of a turnup well you mongrels keep taking and taking while some of us old hard working folks retire . you pigs wont have enough people putting into the system to support you anymore.oh be stupid and vote obama . duh

  18. while i wouldnt call it child abuse in anyway. I will say this as a child my parents never discussed the political choices they made....i was given the freedom to make my own choices as i got older...now as a parent im no pushing my beliefs on either of my children. I want them to have the freedom to chose who they think is right for them not me. I think as parents we need to allow our children to have the freedom to choose even if we dont agree...thats what i would say to the albero family. Both parties democrat or republican have made many mistakes over the years and no one party is right. allowing our children the freedom of choice without our involvement is really what we should always keep in mind.


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