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Monday, November 19, 2012

Bonus Christmas Holiday ... Is It A Go?

Things are tough all over. Good news is hard to come by. Europe has slipped back into recession. But it is time to get real, up close and personal. So...

Forget about the tragic events in Syria for a moment.
Stop worrying about sequestration. It will either happen or not, and there is nothing you can do about it anyhow.
How much does it really matter that a general in the midst of a war finds time to send 20,000 to 30,000 documents and emails to a friend?
Does who did what to whom, when and where (and on or off duty) resound with you?

Get the point?

Instead, let's talk about something real. Something tangible that we all have a stake in. Something we can all get our teeth into. That of course is this: Are federal workers going to get a four-day Christmas holiday? Will the White House give feds time off on the Monday before Christmas, which this year falls on Tuesday?


  1. Like they don't get enough paid holidays and vacation.

  2. Don't forget the day after Christmas. Why don't the rest of us have off for the kwanza holiday? Next thing we'll hear all of December is a holiday.


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