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Monday, November 19, 2012

Board Misses Deadline In Allen West Recount

Election officials in Florida missed a noon deadline Sunday for their partial recount in Rep. Allen West’s race, which under state law means the results stand as they are — and with Mr. West trailing by more than half a percentage point.

Democratic challenger Patrick Murphy’s campaign declared victory Sunday afternoon.

“Today at noon, it became clear Patrick Murphy will be officially certified as the next congressman from the 18th Congressional District,” Anthony Kusich, Murphy for Congressman campaign manager, said in a prepared statement, according to the Palm Beach Post.



  1. Mr West is dealing with forces way beyond his control.

  2. It's okay. The republicans still control the House which controls all the $$$$'s. It's called The Golden Rule-He who has the gold rules.
    Now they need to get busy defunding the fiasco known as Obamacare.

  3. he's a good man and a wonderful patriot. he will remain active and still make a difference.

  4. No it's not ok 10:05am. Obama and the Democrats stole this election.

  5. Anon 10:05am

    When you say "stole" you actually mean won, right?

  6. When you say "stole" you actually mean won, right?

    November 19, 2012 12:34 PM

    NO, he meant STOLE! They used computer program to insert votes.

    How else would you explain 110% and more, of voters in areas where there wasn't that many?

    Not a single vote for Romney in Philly?!

    Come on. Are you people really that stupid?

  7. 12:51. Romney actually got over 91,000 votes in Philly. Sure, that was just 14% of the vote but certainly more than the "not a single vote" that you claim.

  8. 12:51-Are you just going to sit there and take that??

  9. Now is the time for all of us interested to volunteer a little time to the Election Board researching voter rolls for dead people, duplicates, etc., and to lobby for voter ID! Don't just complain on the blogs! DO SOMETHING CONSTRUCTIVE!

  10. In some wards in Philly Romney got zero votes. Not in Philly as a whole. Philly isn't all slums. It was the slum/ghetto wards where Romney didn't rate. Surprise-huh? Ghetto/slums equals Obama. Those people always settle for 2nd best.


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