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Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Arizona ‘Toughest Sheriff’ Arpaio Wins After Hispanic Opposition

The self-proclaimed “America’s toughest sheriff” was re-elected to a sixth term yesterday in Arizona, defeating a retired police sergeant and overcoming opposition from Hispanic groups.
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, 80, a Republican, was defiant as he addressed supporters last night, criticizing the media for portraying the race as close and sending a message to Hispanics and President Barack Obama that he won’t back down from his controversial immigration enforcement. He said he would run again in four years.
“I will continue to enforce all the laws, including illegal immigration,” he said. “Nothing changes.”


  1. unfortunately media only finds fault in situations and spreads their own views as gospel.....never hear of anything positive that has been accomplished....maybe if they were more supportive in their reporting, there would be more positive results

  2. Sad that the rest of America isn't as smart.

  3. Great Job Sheriff Joe. We need more leaders like him and Governor Jan Brewer.

  4. I guess the media wasn't all over this because it was a Republican win against illegal immigration.

  5. Good for Joe, I'm glad he won again, wish our White House had a leader like him.

  6. this man does not infringe on anyone's human rights....he just doesn't treat social misfits and criminals like celebrity.......he knows how to do his job and does it

  7. ?? "the media wasn't all over this"

    Yes, the BIG story was the re-election of a sheriff from a small county most have never heard of. The the election of the US president following an 18 month national campaign.

  8. Why don't you all move to Arizona if it's so awesome there.

  9. Hey Alex why don't you bite a bullet and end your misery.

  10. Send him to Salisbury, i see all illegal immigrants working on the new royal farms on beaglin/snowhill rd...

  11. I'm not miserable, I'm happy where I am. It's you who keeps crying and moaning all the time.

  12. It sounds like Alex is a true liberal. Have a hard time with those people anymore. If I was married to one, I would RUN!!!
    If it was not so close to Mexico, I would move to Arizona in a heartbeat. Too many illegals trying to get across the border.

  13. congrats joe. wooohoooo!!!


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