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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A Comment Worthy Of A Post

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "UPS Ends Grants to Boy Scouts Over Discrimination": 

The Boy Scouts aren't discriminating against gays. Gays flocked to the Boy Scouts like flies on crap so they could get off on being around young boys and be in a more easier situation to molest them. Just like gays flocked to the priesthood so no one would be suspious that they weren't married and also so parents would tend to trust them. 


  1. Just like Sandusky stated his charity. Nothing more than a front to be around young boys.

  2. Gays will argue all day long in order to save face, that pedophiles who prefer the same sex victims aren't gay. Next thing you know they will have the definition of homosexual changed like they did the word marriage. Doesn't matter-You can cover crap with sugar but it's still crap.

  3. oh good lord. being gay and being a pedophile are completely different. get some education! if you bothered to learn about people who are different than yourself you would know this and be a lot less judgmental. you're just afraid of what you don't understand.

  4. Of course not all gays are pedophiles but a pedophile who targets the same sex as themselves is showing homosexual tendencies. Homosexual means an attraction to the same sex. There's not much to understand, 2:55-It is what it is.

  5. Wrong, being gay and being a pedophile are one in the same.
    Both, deviant proclivities rooted in immorality.

  6. The Boy Scouts recently released pages upon pages of info related to molesters, preditors and abusers within their organization. The bottom line is- if in fact it was men who were identified as the preditors involving BOY Scouts then yes, these men were showing a preference for the same sex as themselves. The Boy Scouts have an obligation as does anyone else to attempt to limit any possible threat to a child.
    If it's more important to the gay community to cry discrimination than it is to protect one child then it shows their true colors.

  7. Let those with differing views of the Boy Scouts' traditions start a group of their own. Good for the Scouts for sticking by their traditional beliefs!

  8. Boycott the UPS....enough said!

  9. The Boy Scouts are attempting to limit a threat to the young boys in their organization. No different than speed cameras set up in front of schools designed to limit the threat to a child getting hit by a speeding vehicle.
    No difference. Limiting a threat is limiting a threat. Liberals love speed cameras all in the name of protecting children.

  10. Most pedophiles are heterosexuals. Are we to assume that the Boy Scouts will next be protecting their members by eliminating heterosexuals, as well?

  11. The vast majority of pedophiles are in fact sodomites.

  12. The problem was with adult males abusing BOY Scouts. Males are the perpetrators in 86% of male victimization. While most of these male abusers do admit to having consensual sexual relationships with females the fact still remains that the behaviour they engaged in with young males was homosexual in nature.

  13. All gays should at least volunteer to be targets at our shooting range. We will aim low in non vital places.


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