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Monday, November 19, 2012

675,000 Secessionists

That's a lot more Americans than fought the original Revolutionary War. Of course, it's easy to sign a digital petition and rather less easy to spend a hungry winter at Valley Forge, but the size and speed of the response does indicate how Americans feel about Obama's "America":

Less than a week after a New Orleans suburbanite petitioned the White House to allow Louisiana to secede from the United States, petitions from seven states have collected enough signatures to trigger a promised review from the Obama administration.

By 6:00 a.m. EST Wednesday, more than 675,000 digital signatures appeared on 69 separate secession petitions covering all 50 states, according to a Daily Caller analysis of requests lodged with the White House’s “We the People” online petition system.Nothing will come of these PR-stunt petitions. But they are an early sign of the secessionist struggles to come over the next two decades until the final dissolution in the 2033 timeframe. Americans don't want to live in Mexico, Asia, or the Middle East, nor do they want to live in a post-America under Mexican, Asian, and Middle Eastern government. Nor should they, as evidenced by the millions of immigrants who are, ironically but predictably, attempting to turn their new country into the same sort of place they left in the first place.


  1. The title should have a second part:

    "675,000 Secessionists... might as well go pound sand."

    Didn't secede in '08, aren't going to secede now. Boo hoo.

  2. He hadn't ruined the country yet in 2008 simpleton.

    And he's not re-elected yet. Electoral college still has to vote for the next president.

    If 17 states don't participate, the electoral college won't have a quorum and they can't vote.

    The House of Rep. would then select the president and the Senate would select the vp.

    So there still is a chance to right this wrong. Legally.

    And being Romney won 24 states, it is possible. And has been done before, by the democrats.

    So you might want to go buy some sand for yourself.


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