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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Winter Is Coming, And This Year It’ll Be Cold Enough To Increase Your Home Heating Bills

Wrap up in that bear fur, Jon Snow: Winter is coming and this year it’s going to be a lot less friendly than it was last year. The federal government says American households are going to use more heating fuel this winter than last year because temperatures are going to actually be cold, instead of the balmy weather much of the country experienced last year. Makes sense.



  1. I don't like the cold.

  2. Great,now I have to get a second job.

  3. Wish I had work so I could pay for this... Gawd...

  4. Glad I have geothermal. No fuel oil for me and my bills will stay around $200 per month for all of my utilities.

  5. So why is DP&L LOWERING our budget billing payments? They won't change them, either, b/c I've tried! SO, I'm just paying more each month to try to offset the increase. Dumb.


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