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Monday, October 15, 2012

Will Maryland Be First State To Vote 'Yes' On Gay Marriage?

Irene Huskens has the wedding venue picked out: a charming bed-and-breakfast in southern Maryland. But the wedding is no sure thing.

The plans made by Huskens, a 43-year-old police captain, and her partner, Leia Burks, hinge on whether Marylanders make history on Nov. 6 by voting to legalize same-sex marriage. A "yes" vote, and the wedding is on. A "no" victory? Huskens is loath to consider it.

"There are a lot of Marylanders who want to set the precedent of equality who will vote from their gut for fairness," she said at her colonial suburban home in Prince George's County, where she and Burks are raising two adopted children.



  1. I sure hope not...but this state surprises me everyday with the liberal agenda and the current leadership and the path they've taken us.

  2. Yes, is good for the advancement of the state, economically as well as socially.

    A vote No proves that you need to feel superior and keep the belief that some people are less deserving than you.

  3. 10:41
    a no vote means that you believe in the sanctity of marraige as it has been defined for 3000 years. i am sorry that political correctness has brought us to this point. it has nothing to do with being a homophobe or thinking that someone else is less deserving. i am tired of people like you trying to demonize me because i don't agree with you. grow up

  4. 11:14 - Way to Go!!! I already for NO!!!!!!!!!!! This is crazy!!! Marriage is between a man and a woman, Like God wants it to be!!!

  5. no vote all the way

  6. Equality under civil law. See the 14th amendment.

  7. Same sex marriage started in Massachusetts 2004 and none of the predictions of the haters have come to be.

  8. 10:41 economically? How?

    Maybe you can call it superiority on my part but just because dictionaries have changed the definition of what marriage means doesn't mean I have to.
    Previously I could have cared less about a person's sexual preference but this whole same sex marriage issue to me is silly. Whining and carrying on because they can't get married. There's always been restrictions on who can marry and there still are. It's not about marriage but more a need to feel like everyone else and that is a mental problem. When someone feels like they need to be like everyone else then something is wrong with them mentally.

  9. God I hope it doesn't pass. It is just plain disgusting!! If they want a "civil union" ok, but marriage is a sacred thing between a man and woman That is why
    God made Adam and Eve and not Adam and Bob or Eve and Alice.

  10. ""There are a lot of Marylanders who want to set the precedent of equality who will vote from their gut for fairness," she said at her colonial suburban home in Prince George's County, where she and Burks are raising two adopted children."

    If you want so much "Fairness", you should require it of yourselves first. "Raising" two young children in the sexual confusion of your "adult" relationship is hardly being fair to those poor kids!

  11. no vote for butch and butch from me!!!!!!!!! go to renegades in delaware for your wedding.

  12. Yea yea you guys are all for civil unions until that gets proposed then we hear exactly the same arguments to oppose them.


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