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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Why You Need To Get Rid Of Acorns

The sky is falling with what some people think is an extra big batch of acorns this year, and that could be a problem for more than just the hood of your car.

According to weather lore, extra acorns are a sign a bad winter may be coming.

WTOP's Garden Editor Mike McGrath thinks otherwise.

"This is just a sign the trees had a good year," he says.



  1. No, the reason we need to get rid of acorns is that it's a month before the Presidential election!

    Sorry, I had to do it. Your door was wide open!

  2. Acorns used to be the staple food around here. White Oak's are the best but all have to be leached before eating. Some folks say more acorns have been eaten by people then rice and wheat combined.


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