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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Why Obama Will Lose All Three Debates

President Obama had a terrible debate last week.  Supporters and opponents were shocked that he could be so off his game.  They shouldn't have been.  That they were indicates that they don't understand Obama's serious, likely insurmountable re-election problem.
Obama supporters and detractors expect the old Obama to show better form in the next debate.  But that is not going to happen!  It cannot, because Obama's critical problem is not correctable.
Obama's Real Problem
The media seemed more surprised by Obama's performance than Romney's.  It was Romney who was the surprise and exposed Obama's Achilles heel.  Daniel Henninger observed (my emphasis added):
... no one expected or predicted that Barack Obama could be so pushed off his game or look so flustered in a contest of articulating ideas.
Obama's problem, to put it politely, is his looseness with facts.  He is the quintessential "sound-bite" president.  Truth for him is whatever he chooses it to be, whatever is necessary to turn things in his favor.  His self-aggrandizement and arrogance, coupled with a hero-worshiping media, has enabled him to such an extent that it is possible that he no longer believes there is truth other than what he wants it to be.  That is his problem, and it has been reinforced for most of his life.



  1. He can't have his debate written for him, or use a teleprompter, therefore, he knows nothing!!

  2. Is everyone convinced that Obama truly wants to be re elected? This article is brilliantly written,but in spite of it all,Obama has to know he's failed miserably.Let's just hope Rush is wrong and Candy has not received orders to be an attack dog on Romney.If the playing field is level Obama has no chance to win.

  3. Why not just watch the debate and see. This article and the previous comments are simply mindless mush.

  4. Of course obama will lose all 3 debates. He's a peon. Mitt Romney's used to and has been dealing with the real Big Dogs for 30 years. obama hangs out with the other ghetto trash like Jay Z who says the "N" and the "F" word and calls women "hoes." obama couldn't compete and keep up no matter how much he is prepped. It one of those you can dress him up but can't take him out things....he is what he is


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