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Saturday, October 27, 2012

White House Considering New Tax Cut

The White House is weighing the idea of a tax cut that it believes would lift Americans’ take-home pay and boost a still-struggling economy, according to people familiar with the administration’s thinking, as the presidential candidates continue battling over whose tax policies would do more for the country.
Obama administration officials have concluded that the economy, while improved, is still fragile enough that it may need another bout of stimulus. The tax cut could replace the payroll tax cut championed by President Obama in 2011 and 2012, which was designed as a buffer against economic shocks such as the financial crisis in Europe and high oil prices. It expires at year’s end.


  1. "Considering" in the two weeks before the election, "Decided Against" the day after the election.
    try a little harder obama!

  2. 345, correct. Why not just watch another Embassy get blown up courtesy of Drone TV?

  3. When Obama called on Seal Team 6, they risked their lives to get Bin Ladin for him.

    When the Seals called Obama for help in Benghazi, and they got denied, not once but three times! Spot on!

  4. Election time smoke and mirrors, nothing more...

  5. Obama's whole presidency is nothing but smoke and mirrors.
    Or, excuses and lies.

  6. This issue has been in & out of the news so many times, it isn't funny. Actually THE SENATE has voted it down every time the gop House has passed a bill to renew these tax cuts. This is just before the election "change" of heart...You CAN'T believe in!


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