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Friday, October 19, 2012

War On Drugs Or War On Liberty?

This talk was given at the Orange County/Central Florida Campaign for Liberty Monthly Meeting in Orlando, Florida, on October 11, 2012.
Do you want to live in an authoritarian society? Do you desire an intrusive government? Do you wish for a government that is a nanny state? Do you yearn for government bureaucrats to tell you what you can and cannot do? Do you like puritanical busybodies telling you how to live your life? Do you believe that the government should define and enforce morality? Do you reason that vices should be crimes? Then you should support the war on drugs.
Do you love liberty? Do you treasure freedom? Do you want to live in a free society? Do you prefer government at all levels to be as limited as possible? Do you think people should be responsible for the consequences of their own actions? Do you wish the federal government would at least follow its own Constitution? Do you reason that vices should not be crimes? Then you must oppose the war on drugs.
There is no middle ground. The war on drugs is a war on the free market, a free society, and freedom itself.
If you oppose drug use, you should oppose the war on drugs even more. If you consider drug abuse to be evil, you should consider the war on drugs to be more evil. If you think that taking drugs is a sin, you should think that the war on drugs is a greater sin.


  1. ANY war that lasted 40 YEARS (!!), killed hundreds of thousands of people and was LOSING GROUND every year would be (and rightly so) roundly criticized as an abject failure. Except this "war". More prisons, more cops, more "surveillance", more tyranny. Anyone who thinks we are "winning" this "war" is not paying attention. Its more of a welfare program for cops, judges, and the DEA than it is an enforcement action.


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