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Monday, October 22, 2012

Unemployed Democrat Won’t Vote for Obama or Romney

As the 2012 elections near, The Gazette is talking to voters to ask how they will cast their ballots and why.
Neither President Barack Obama nor former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney will get a vote from Byron Arriola on Nov. 6, the Germantown resident said.
An unemployed Democrat, Arriola, 50, said he is not happy with either candidate.
“I am Hispanic and neither have done anything for the Spanish community,” he said.


  1. We need to stop being "a demographic" and start being a society or this nation is doomed.

  2. by not voting for either presidential candidate he is voting for Obama. of course, this is just another liberal voter, voting for dream act, same-sex marriage, and such. he isn't even a good catholic!

  3. 1031, if you throw out the false pie in the sky narrative that gets spewed by so many and actually look back at the history books, you'll see that this nation has always been about demographics and constituencies. Thats just human nature.

  4. 10:49

    So what? Not all people are catholic (Or religious for that matter). This is America, a melting pot of the world. Not everyone is going to think like you, and you're not going to agree with what others think.

    THAT'S OK.

    This mindset you have is what's holding the country back.

  5. No Moron, people like you are ruining this country because a vote for someone else other than Romney is a vote for the enemy. You are to stupid to realize this country is doomed if Obama gets another 4 years. This has nothing to do with Catholicism.

    A vote for Ron Paul or a third party candidate is a vote for Obama.

  6. 2:57 PM

    And you couldn't express yourself to him any better than that?

    You can't participate much less win, arguments if no one even listens to you. Good job.


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