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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Today's Survey Question 10-18-12

While politicians flat out lie to us on a daily basis, 
why has this become acceptable today?


  1. Politicians always lied. It's just that we're exposed so much to it through multiple media sources today that we are used to it.

  2. As long as some people continue to receive cash, Obamaphones, EBTs, and other handouts they don't care whether or not politicians lie.

  3. Because the MSM is in the tank for the Democrat /socialist party.

  4. Because 3 rights make a left and 3 wrongs make a right.In perpetuity all eventually becomes the truth if said enough times.

  5. Because people are not being held accountable for their actions. People don't take responsibility for their own lives. There WILL come a day you will be held accountable for the things you have done.

  6. Only not being held accountable by the media and those receiving handouts for sitting on their posterior fat, smoking whatever.

  7. Why is it that if you lie to Congress you are held in contempt, but if Congress lies to us they are relected?

  8. dittos to 12:24. in my lifetime most seem to lie; however i've never seen it this bad as in the past 4 years. when our "old" media doesn't hold them accountable or they don't do their homework to get the truth, this will only get worse.

    so sad...

  9. Simple answer. The vast majority of Americans are stupid.


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