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Friday, October 12, 2012

Today's Survey Question 10-12-12

Who won last nights debate?


  1. Biden continues to beat on that class warfare drum. If Uncle Joe is so concerned about the middle class, why didn't he do more for the middle class when he was in congress?

    To even compare what Biden's son did in Afghanistan, is an insult to those that were really there on a mission. Bo went because his number was called in the National Guard. More money and resources were spent on Bo Biden's security, than he was worth in his role in Afghanistan.

    Bo could have done the middle class a favor by staying home and reducing the costs of Teats on a boar hog.

  2. I know now why they can not get anything done in the government. The democrats won't shut up long enough to let anyone say anything. The moderator was just as guilty of interrupting Ryan as Biden was.

  3. Neither did that well IMO, with the exception of the security in Benghazi and mis-information from the state department, left hand didn't know what the right hand was doing/saying at the time.

  4. Ryan won without a doubt. Biden looked like he was high and was the most rude person i have seen. His actions were a discredit to his entire party. He acted like a spoiled brat.Hpw could anyone take a bafoon like that seriously. No wonder our foreign policy stinks.

  5. Ryan obviously won. Joe; the old has been, was visibly nervous and showed this by his laughter and mocking attitude. his answers and explanations were either lies or stupidity. probably a mixture of both.

    the stats and reports continue to come in today and Ryan is the victor.

    Romney / Ryan will win this race.

  6. Ryan obviously did better with undecided voters, biden came off as the crusty old man that he is

  7. Ryan won all the way! He was respectful and kept his cool! Biden, on the other hand, gets the award for being the most DISRESPECTFUL and CONDESCENDING!
    The moderator....she gets a ZERO!

  8. I echo 1:50's scores! Biden was a nervous sophomore; and as rude and interrupting as it gets.

  9. From a ethical point of view , Ryan did.
    From an intellegent point of view , Ryan did.
    From an adult point of view , Ryan did.
    Biden was the butt head we thought he would be.
    Biden always has always run his mouth way too much , that's mwhy obamie took him. Obamie can't talk so Biden does it for both.


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