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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Today's Fill In The Blank 10-23-12

I think _____ won last night's Presidential Debate.


  1. President Obama-hands down.

  2. Salisbury News and Joe Albero for the on line Blogger event. It is cool!

  3. I don't need a debate to tell me what hasn't worked the last 4 years.

  4. Style - Teh Won
    Substance - The Mitt
    DNC - Panic mode

  5. Mitt Romney. At the very beginning of the debate Obama touted his only foreign policy accomplishment~bin laden so he had to spend the last hour and 25 minutes coming up with stuff. It was clear he had memorized 3 or 4 long winded answers full of doublespeak and propaganda. When he was caught off guard he just made something up.
    Romney was brilliant to manipulate the foreign policy debate into one on the US economy in a way that was easy to understand how they are tied together. Romney is sharp.

  6. Dumb question, if you don't know or think Romney won then you didn't watch it. Obama destroyed him, made him look like a buffoon.

  7. "DNC - Panic mode"

    LOL-Yeah they are. Obama admin just came out with a new jobs plan. Isn't just thrilling that after all these months of attacking Romney and the republicans, focusing on a fake War on Woman, and all the other wasted time Obama finally decides to become serious? This loser needs to go and the door can't hit him fast enough. Where was this jobs plan for the last 4 years. Obama was too busy playing instead of even bothering to meet with his Jobs Council.
    What kind of priority do these Obamanistas have? Don't they expect 100% out of their leaders?

  8. Obama destroyed Romney how? Romney spoke to us. Obama spoke down to Romney. Obama came over as the sterotypical "angry black man" as someone previously commented. By the end Obama had the Biden thing going on which is not only disrespectful but shows what a true ignoramus Obama is. It not funny when he and Biden act like that-it's not cute-it's not clever-it's ignorant and reflexs on a lack up upbringing and shows all what kind of low class people they are.

  9. You have blinders on 2:25, Romney was out of his league. The only question Obama got wrong was "what is the biggest threat to the USA"? He should have answered....Romney.

  10. Oh so do you believe Obama ended the Iraq war 2:55? He said he did again last night. Well he didn't so he was either wrong or he lied. Troops were to be out of Iraq by Dec 31,2011 as per an agreement Bush signed. Obama couldn't change the subject fast enough last night when Romney brought up an agreement Obama admin was attempting to broker which would have allowed 1000's of troops to stay in Iraq but Iraq said no.
    Obama was wrong or he lied about Romney saying he wouldn't have given the auto industry govt money. As a matter of FACT Romney himself wrote an op-ed in 2008 for the NY Times saying just the opposite of what Obama said he said last night.
    Obama was wrong when he said Romney said Russia was a bigger threat than al qaida. When Romney said Russia the biggest threat was when he was talking about their votes in the UN not in respect to terrorism.
    Obama is the one out of his league. He's a peon compared to Romney. You got a "community organizer" who screws up everything he touches. And then there's successful self made multi millionair Romney. Romney's used to dealing with the "big dogs." Obama's used to the crude and vulgar people like Hip Hop artist Jay Z. Jay Z is the one who is in Obama's league.
    This is what makes me sick about Obama. He hob nobs with Jay Z who uses the N word and calls woman "hoes". It goes to show that the Obamas are trashy people.
    I bet the other parents of the private school where the Obama girls go can't wait for the ghetto trash to leave.

  11. When you can't win with your agenda, attack your opponent- Barrack Obama-2008

  12. Wow 3:32, have another cup of caffine. You my friend are seriously twisted. Get some help.

  13. What's so twisted about it, 4:19. Are you so ill informed that you think Obama ended the Iraq war?
    Did you read Romney's NY Times op-ed from 2008 where he said the gov't should help the auto industry?
    Did you go and read the Wolf Blitzer interview transcript about the Russia/al qaida threat?

    I know it sucks horribly to be WRONG and just like your boy Obama when you are WRONG you attack. Classy!

  14. You are the one who is twisted
    4:19, either you are or your mother is for not teaching you morals and how decent people behave. Classy well brought up people esp adults do not hang out with hip hop artist Jay Z. Serious professional classy adults do not fraternize with anyone who calls woman "hoes", says the "N" word and the "F" word in songs.
    I guess the Obamas thinks it makes them look cool when it fact it confirms that they are nothing more than common trash.


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