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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Threats To Assassinate Romney Explode After Debate

Obama supporters voice desire to kill Romney over fears food stamps will be taken away

Despite numerous media outlets attempting to downplay the issue, Twitter exploded last night following the debate with new threats from Obama supporters to assassinate Mitt Romney if he defeats Obama in the presidential race.

As we reported yesterday, in addition to threats by Obama supporters to riot if Romney wins, innumerable Twitter users are also making direct death threats against Romney.

The primary reason given for Obama supporters wanting to see Romney dead is the fear that he will take away food stamps.
If the tables were turned and conservatives were making death threats against Obama in these numbers, it would be a national news story. Indeed, the mere act of hanging empty chairs from trees as a reference to Clint Eastwood’s RNC speech was hyped by the media as a deadly sign that conservatives were out to lynch black people if Obama won.


  1. The natives are getting restless.
    Do the educated people in America that vote democratic party line see they are enabling and supporting these thugs and criminals?

    That is exactly what a vote for Obama did 4 years ago and what it will do now.
    Save America from the heathens. Vote Romney!
    You life may depend on it!

  2. sounds like the 'entitlement slaves' are getting restless. food stamps won't disappear overnight, there will probably be some specific requirements put in place to be eligible, such as proof of looking for an acutal job. that will also upset the 'entitlement slaves'.

  3. I doubt they would follow through with those threats. If most are too lazy to work.............

  4. Amen to 11.:11 and 11:17

  5. LOL, this is news? An article about clowns spouting on twitter? Seen plenty of comments on this blog and others to know that physical threats of violence aren't just coming from Obama supporters. Many in this crowd here have been expressing the same sentiment since 2009. Regardless of who you support, if you are one of the people slinging threats, maybe you should take a chill pill and step away from the computer for awhile. Better yet, stay at your computer and let the adults work out real world solutions.

  6. This post is total BS and as for the previous two comments...pathetic.

  7. Get a job you have time to twitter you have time to work even at McDonalds. You are just pissed off because you may actually have to work for a living like the rest of us. What a bunch of morons.

  8. its obvious this administration is a complete failure an dhas done nothing but hurt america.theyve broken the law back doored congress and have lied to get what they want.it appears that they had an embassador assassinated i wouldnt put anything past them.liberal left wing democrats will resort to anything as a last resort when theyre in fear of losing power or being exposed of their lies.

  9. Now close your eyes and imagine if you will a Romney victory and a Zimmerman not guilty verdict at the same time.It's no wonder the Zimm trial has been scheduled for June.Those could be the 2 most racially sensitive issues we've encountered in years.

  10. This is the kind of crap that the right puts out to motivate their voters. Sad
    Always tapping that emotional fear that you are paying for something for someone else.

  11. So if we had a black republican it might be alright or we can never have another white president or .....

  12. To 12:39; not an emotional fear, it is a fact!!!!!!

  13. The only thing I learn from reading the comments on here, is that there are alot of ignorant people in Salisbury. Have any of you morons griping about foodstamps actually stepped back and thought about what's going to happen if the government takes this away? If that program is demolished, there is going to be alot of hungry people. There are alot of people in this country on out of work and on unemployment, and alot of these people have to depend on those to feed their families. If that program is cut, I'm willing to bet there will be rioting in the streets. There's all these comments about these scum of society getting jobs, well go find them jobs. If your a business owner, start hiring people, and give them 40 hour work weeks. As far as the comment about McDonald's, you go try to pay your monthly bills on less than $300 a week. Minimum wage jobs help create the problem where people have to stay in these programs. And if the next statement is go to school to get a better paying job, you should look at the unemployment statics for those that have.

  14. Seriously, no one is dumb enough to ruin their own life by doing harm to Obama or his supporters. They aint's worth it. Now with Romney it's a different story. Remember there wasn't enough decent people to vote for obama so they had the states with democratically controlled state houses pass felon disenfranchiment laws so felons could vote. Now just recently the NAACP sees their boy obama may be needing some help again this time around and are pressuring for a nationwide restoration of felon voter rights. The threats to Romney and his supporters are real when you consider the backgrouds of quite alot of obama's supporters.

  15. I know I am paying for someone else and I am very tired of it. I grew up poor and worked hard to get through school and pull myself up by my bootstraps with no parents to help me. I now own my own home and have a good living but I still work. If I can do this, so can anyone and I am sick and tired of hearing excuses for why they don't!!!

  16. To 1:07, none of this will occur under the current administration. With the new one, there will be more jobs, so folks can buy their food and not depend on the government . Unless, they are just too comfortable, and don't want to work for what they have. Do you think the majority REALLY WANT to work . This country cannot survive by taking care of those who live off the government and are perfectly capable of working; I agree there are those who cannot work due to health, disability or being of senior age. As for jobs, want ads are loaded, but its easier to sit home and wait for the check that I am working to send!!!

  17. 1:07 - You are clearly missing the point on many fronts. First, the unemployment rate is as high as it is because of your liberal leader and his failed economic policies. Second, I honestly do not think anyone, no matter how conservative, is out to get rid of food stamps all together. If someone needs help because they can't find a good job I have no issues with them receiving help from the government until they can get back on their feet. Most people have an issue with the free loaders. Those who do not try to find work but feel they are "entitled" to free food, phones, money, etc.. and know how to work the system to get these things. If someone lives off the government they should work, period. If they get entitlements they should pick up garbage along the road or maintain government parks - cut grass. Anything but a free ride. The free rides are not doing them any good! Free rides are making them dependent! It's the same concept as "Please don't feed the animals" in a public park. They will become dependent and unable to provide for themselves! Same Thing!!

  18. 1:07 PM you are a few french fries short of a happy meal. People are tired of working to pay for those who think they do not have to work and can suck off us taxpayers.If you are deserving of the food stamps fine but 80% are not they sell them for cash to buy drugs. You can go to grocerys stores and someone is standing outside of the store asking you if you give me 20.00 I will let you use my EBT card and get $40.00 worth of groceries so how the hell is that fair. Maybe you should pay the bills for all those who think they are entitled to collect and not work.So what if you get a job that does not pay all the bills and you need further assistance thats fine but to just sit on your ass and collect is WRONG!

  19. The problem I see is alot of those on these various entitlements don't strike me as employable. They just do not present a good picture with the crack of their butts showing, gold teeth, numerous tattoos. Then you got the Babby Momma who always seem to have issues going with the various Baby Daddy's or some other drama going on. Most can't string together a sentence without adding either "you know" or "you know what I'm saying." We seriously need to come up with some kind of incentive so these freaks quit spitting out children.

  20. It is highly unlikely these "Twitter Food Stamps Dependants" would actually folow through on their threats. It would require for them to do some work, which is something they know nothing about. That is freedom of speech - even a lazy bum has a opinion or lack of it.

  21. 1:07--food stamps should be a TEMPORARY entitlement, assisting a family that is working to get back on their feet; NOT a lifetime entitlement.

  22. Some people seem to think that maybe we "need" the entitlement-leeches to riot so that liberals can "see" just how wrong their policies are and wake up to reality.

  23. I totally agree with 1:24.

  24. A person making $50,000 a year pays $36.50 a YEAR toward for food stamps. Wow that is really going to break you.

  25. 4:10 PM WOW and the people collecting food stamps pay nothing WOW!

  26. People making $50,000 a year instead of paying $36.50 a YEAR toward food stamps and was putting all those $36.50's into the economy we wouldn't have a job problem, 4:10 and those people could find and would have jobs.
    It's called the trickle down effect. The more disposable income people have the more it helps the economy and job growth.

  27. These are the people that dont pay taxes that he talks about not seniors

  28. um 5:17 seniors and the working poor make up the vast majority of that 47% he was talking about.

  29. Those making the death threats and try to carry out will most certainly at least be guaranteed "3 square meals" a day the rest of their lives!!!

  30. I hear ya 8:16! Some of the tweets are death threats and invitations for the FBI to come try to do something about it! Some from Islamists!

    Ask yourself, Why aren't they??

  31. If it isn't, it needs to be against the law. It must not be or we wouldn't be hearing so much about it. I didn't think you could get away with threatening anybody's life.


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